Chapter 23

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Gerard's pov

"Bert... we can't." I giggled, moaning as Bert kissed my neck and pushed me up against the door. Frank's loud barking could be heard through the whole house. He was going crazy in the laundry room, clawing at the door and trying to get out but I didn't want him to bite Bert again.

"Why not, Gee baby?" Bert purred darkly, a shiver going through me as he kissed me again. My eyes sliding shut as he pushed his knee between my legs making me gasp.

"B-because you s-said that you w-would help me do yard work a-and I wanted to-ah!" I was cut off by a loud moan that left my parted lips as he rubbed his thigh against my growing problem. "B-Bert..."

"You're so cute, baby." Bert chuckled, picking me up and carrying me into my bedroom and kicked the door shut behind us. My heart beating faster a he undressed me, kissing my neck and marking me up all over. My back arched off the bed as he nibbled gently on one of my nipples. He played with the waisted band of my boxers as my hips jerked up, searching for any kind of friction.

"You too..." I whimpered, tugging on his shirt with shaking hands.

Bert pulled his shirt off and got to work on his pants, kissing me deeply again as he kissed his pants off. He was already rock hard, palming me slowly through my boxers. A blush covered my face and neck as I moaned high pitched and needy.

"P-please, Bert, I-I can't hold on m-much longer..." I begged, squirming and moaning as he touched me in all the right spots. I hated how sensitive my body was, especially when he was me like this. My heart hammering in my chest as he slowly pulled my boxers off and began to pump me slowly. Bert pulled his own off, jerking himself off too as he stared down at me. I clawed at the bedsheets, all other sound fading away as I got lost in how good it felt. I couldn't even hear Frank's barking anymore which made me a little worried but I pushed that through away.

"What do you want me to do, baby?" Bert asked hotly against my ear.

"Fuck me... p-please, Bert, I need you." I begged with a blush. Bert smirked as he let go of me for a moment and got the small bottle of lube our of my bedside table.

He lubed his fingers up and pushed one inside of me slowly. I practically melted into the bed, gasping as he slept began to stretch me out. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down, kissing him desperately.

"You're so needy for me, baby." Bert said softly, adding a second finger after a bit and really stretched me out. I whimpered at the stretch but moaned shortly after when he hit my spot.

A loud crash from outside of the bedroom had Bert and I jumping as he pulled his fingers out of me and got up, reaching for his phone.

"What was that?" He whispered, dialing the cops but didn't call them just yet. "I swear if it's that man who broke on here I'm going to beat the shit out of him."

"Bert, wait, come back." I said but he was already gone once he had his boxers back on. I got out of bed, my hard on gone because I was nervous and scared. I pulled my boxers on and peaked out of the bedroom.

"The damn dog got out and broke the vase I gave you." Bert said in frustration. He somehow got Frank outside who was barking and clawing at the back door that led outside. I kneeled done next to Bert, helping him clean up the broken glass.

"I'm sorry... we can get another vase and the flowers are okay." I said, seeing how upset Bert was.

"He's a bad dog, Gee, we should send him to obedience school."

"I don't wanna just send him away, Bert. I need him, he's my dog and he doesn't mean to do stuff like that." I said.

"Gee, he bites me, growls at me, he tried to hurt my cat, he's not a good dog. I've tried to be understanding but... it's just too much. Please, can we just bring him and see if you like it or not?"

"He didn't mean to step on your cat's tail." I defended Frank who was just watching us now, glaring at Bert it seemed.

"Gerard, please... for me?" Bert said and I didn't want to agree but I ended up nodding.

Bert cleaned up the rest of the stuff and put the flowers in a vase before kissing me gently. I kissed him back, sighing as he gently gripped my waist. Frank was barking and howling again as he tried pushing his way through the door.

"Maybe later, okay?" I said as I pulled away and went to go get dressed.

"Gee baby, did I upset you?" Bert asked as he watched me pull my shirt on over my head.

"No... it's just... he's my dog and I don't know why he seems to not like you but... I care about both of you and I want you two to get alone." I said, feeling stressed out.

"Baby... I'm sorry, I really am... I'll try harder, okay?" Bert said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked down with a sigh. "Let me see that face." Bert said with a smile as I pressed my face against his chest. "Baby, please, I wanna see my beautiful boyfriend."

I blushed and looked up, smiling as he kissed me gently. I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer to him.

"Maybe we can... continue where we left off..." I mumbled with a blush.

"Definitely, baby." Bert smirked, getting to work on my shirt and boxers.
Third person pov

Frank tried everything he could but couldn't open the locked door. All he could do was sit and wait for someone to open the door for him. He was upset and just wanted to be inside and make sure that Gerard was okay. Gerard and Bert were having their private time and that made Frank very upset. He growled to himself, wishing he could just turn into a human and get Gerard away from Bert, the bad man who was taking Gerard away from him.

Not edited

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