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~Tifa's POV~

"Set her over here, Cid," I command the pilot, and he obeys, laying Yuffie on the table in the clinic.

"Do you have any idea what you're doing?" He asks me with a worried frown.

"Not really," I admit. "But this doesn't look too bad. Looks like Barret got there in time before any really bad damage was done."

"That's good. It's weird though. Cloud almost never leaves his side."

"I was wondering where he was," I frown, easing my hands. Right on cue, Cloud and Vincent stumble into the clinic. I automatically feel my eyes flicker Vincent's bloodshot ones and then to Cloud's. Cloud tries to walk over to Yuffie, but Cid gets in his way.

"This room is for sober people only. Now get your sorry drunk butts outta here."

"Cid, let them in," I sigh. "If this was Shera and you were drunk..."

"Fine, but if they get in the way, they're goin," he looks back at me and I nod.


            Cloud pushes past the pilot and scrambles to his fiance's side. Glaring at him, I reach up to the top shelf where she keeps her mastered Cure materia. I feel a warm body behind me and a gloved hand reaches over my head, easily taking the magic crystal ball down for me. Turning around to take it from Vincent, I reach for the materia, but he holds it above my head.

"Tifa, I'm sorry about..."

"Not now Vincent," I growl, jumping for it.

"Listen to me..."

"Cid!" I call, exasperated and not having any of this crap while I'm trying to help Yuffie out. They probably got her skull really good. Vincent tosses me the Cure as Cid shoves him out of the room roughly. Casting Cure 3 on her almost three times, I get to work on fixing all her wounds. Thankfully, she only got a barely noticeable dent on the side of her head that didn't do any harm. She's lucky to have that hard head of hers. Get it? Cuz she's difficult? Haha, so funny? No? Okay.

"There," I sigh, exhausted and flopping back into the spinning chair. Cid blinks me blankly before looking at Cloud, who passed out long ago.

"So what happened between yo and Vincent?" He finally asks.

"What do you mean?" I try to avoid the question.

"He's not goin back to his old ways for nothin, Tifa. What's up between you two?"

"He... His phone wouldn't stop going off so I answered it because he was still asleep, and this girl... She just kept trying to set up an appointment with Vincent to... Yeah and then she kept sending disturbing messages and crap and so I thought he was cheating on me and told him that and then I turned into a screaming match and then he kept saying I'm scared of him and then he left but he looked like he was about to cry," I say in one breath. Cid stares at me blankly for a moment before speaking.

"So you're sayin that you pretty much told him you don't trust him at all and that made him think you're terrified of him."

"I don't exactly speak guy," I roll my eyes.

"I just explained it to you," he groans. "When you accuse a guy of cheating on you, you're telling him that you don't trust him. And that's one of the big things he wants, your trust I mean. He's not used to having people around who aren't terrified of him, so he kinda freaks out when you blame him for something so quickly."

"I'm seriously hoping that makes sense in 'Man language' because it makes no sense to me," I shake my head. I must be really tired, because I'm not understanding him at all.

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