"What's your poison?" He asked, catching my attention.

He smirked at me, a knowing look on his face which caused a light tinge to brush my cheeks. I couldn't begin to tell how embarrassed I felt knowing he'd caught me staring once again.

"Martini". I answered, taking a seat on the stool.

He didn't answer, just went to his work. His back was to me so I took the short time to look down at myself. I crossed my legs in the "lady-like" manor, my black skinny jeans hugging my legs even more. I glanced up, checking to see if he was still distracted- he was. I quickly looked down at my button up, blood red shirt, and pulled it down a bit, undoing another two buttons, exposing my round breasts. I straightened my posture and looked ahead just as he turned back around, martini in hand.

"Here you are". He handed me my drink.

"Thank you". I responded in a quiet, shy-like tone.

I held the glass in my right hand, my left forearm resting against the wooden surface as I took a sip of the heavenly liquid. Owen leaned forward, resting his elbows against the surface as he sipped his glass of scotch. I watched him over my rim, as did he, a content smirk on his face. I placed my glass against the counter gently, him following suit shortly after. I looked around the small, yet somehow elegant, room, taking in the surroundings.

"So... Tell me about yourself". He said suddenly.

I looked at him and chuckled slightly. "Well, small talk I see?" I stated, causing a small chuckle from him. "Well... Let's see. I'm a doctor". I told him with a shrug.

He seemed impressed, his thick yet neatly formed eyebrows rising up as I brought my drink back to my lips.

"A doctor? Really". I nodded. "That's interesting. How do you do that? Are you the type to perform surgery and save lives or are you like, that doctor at the clinic?" He asked skeptically.

I shook my head. "Nope. I work at the local hospital. I've performed many surgeries in my four years of work. I'm highest in the workforce and some envy that because of my age".

"Really. I don't understand he they could envy you. You'd think they'd praise you! I mean, a woman of your age to be where you are in work should be celebrated. Anything but envied". He told me sincerely, causing a warm feeling to spread through me.

I smiled, looking down then back up. A silence fell around us as we sipped our drinks, getting lost in each other's eyes.

"What about you? What do you do?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Let's see. I'm a lawyer". He told her, instantly catching her attention.

"Win many cases?" I asked.

He nodded. "Only lost three in my five years of work". I nodded, impressed. "You lost many patients?"

"I've lost a few. They were all, except one, just lost causes. The one though was a mistake on my part and I felt horrible for it. I'd punctured the liver by accident and didn't notice until it was too late. That was my first year of work though. The rest were simply patients that had basically no hope". I told him, falling into a darkness at the mention of her mistake.

"Hey,". He soothed. I felt his hand on top of mine, intertwining their fingers as his thumb traced her knuckles. "I'm not gonna say it wasn't your fault, but I am gonna say that it will be okay. You know why? Because everyone makes mistakes. Being a doctor takes a lot of mistakes to become perfect. Surely if you had any reason to be that close to the liver in the first place, that patient would've had a short life anyway". He tried to reason.

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