after knocking on the door, her mothers was seen wearing a night grown, standing inside with the door open at her. she walked in and give her mother the tightest hug. a sorry hug.

through this hug, her inside voice finally has the guts to state, "let's end this". her mother hugged her back, close to tears but happy she came back. after letting go of each other, her mother sends her off to her room. 

when Jennie got onto her room, she took off her clothes, wanting to shower off this heaviness on her and then sleep for a new day where maybe things will be okay again.

Jungkook, like always was late to class again. he quickly got ready and ran out of the house without saying anything to his mother or eating breakfast. 

although it was only a night of not seeing Jennie, he somewhat expected to see her that morning. he flies within the morning wind into the school with his mind of her.

rushing down the hallway, he opens the door into the regular classroom. it was loud enough to grab everyone's attention. that day, he quickly looked over at the teacher and everyone just find her.

however, her desk was empty, with no backpack, nothing at all. he walked towards his desk, after not seeing her, 'maybe she's sick' he thought. 

"Jungkook, you are late today, so stay after to clean the classroom before lunch," Ms.Parker said as she turned back to teaching on the board.


the lunch bell ringed as everyone left the classroom except Jungkook. his eyes rose around the room and then to a girl who sat in the far left on the front row.

"It's lunchtime, you should probably go--" he said as he walked up to her. as soon as she turned back, he was surprised at who she was. she had on circle glasses and her hair falls perfectly on both sides of her face.

"wh-who are you?" Jungkook asked as he furrow his eyebrows and tilt his head while she stay staring at him.

"me? ... I am Bae Joohyun.. and you are?" she said through the most perfect smile ever.

"Jungkook. are you new here?" Jungkook asked and sat on the desk behind him for an answer.

"no, I've been here ever since .. umm a while now.. why?" she said, scanning his blank facial expression. she looked interested.

"nothing" he pouted, stands up, and made his way to go erase the writing on the board and stack the textbook in the front of the room. 

while he did so, she finishes her last math problems and started packing her stuff into her backpack. she pushes her chair back and in loudly and then walks down the row and out of the classroom.

"why isn't she here today?" he mumbled to himself before going back to organizing the classroom.


the school feels empty as he tries dragging himself to finishing today. after gym classes, the class was coming back from the gym to go into studying time.

walking down the hall, both of the twelve-grade room was open for studying. as the classmate passes down the first twelfth-grade room, they all stop and looked through the glasses into the room. 

they mumble within one another, some became very loud and it shows. with the amount of attention, Jungkook wanted to check it out, maybe then he'll know why they were all looking.

as soon as Jungkook laid his eyes into that other twelfth-grade room, he notice how tidy the class looked. in the middle of the room, he saw a black-haired boy touching and flirting with a girl who he knows right away, Jennie. 

she keeps flinching back as he reaches out to prick the tip of her nose. he laughed at always missing it while her hand keep swiping at him. it was so hard for Jungkook to look without thinking of wanting to separate them.

"yah, isn't she the girl that used to be in our room? did she change classes?" one of the girls said out loud to another one, and it happens to be in front of Jungkook.

'she was here but switched classroom?' he thought quietly before the guy in front of Jennie pointed out at them. he realize she was going to look over it any sooner, with the number of people on the window looking at them.

"look back, isn't that the other classmate from the other class?" Junmyeon said with a wide innocent smile and his pointing fingers pointing behind her.

Jennie glances back to the windows as Jungkook flinched away before her eyes, in unison, and walked to his classroom. 

"yeah, they are.." she said as she sees all of the other classmates. she pretends to not look for Jungkook within the crowd and turned back to him. 'did he come to school' she thought before getting interrupted.

"why did you switch classes? you don't like them?" Junmyeon asked as he looked nowhere but her since she was so captivating. 

"no, they are all kind but I feel like I needed a new teacher to teach me well.." she lied, putting her hand back on the textbook and pretending to flip the page that she was unfinished with.

he looked at her flipping through chapters that the teacher didn't even assign yet as well as her page that was unfinished. something was up as he raise his eyebrows up, not butting in too much.

"oh, so you think you real smart now to deserve a new teacher?" he teased her by messing up her perfectly split hair with his wide hand. he was brushing it in a weird way making all her hair fly out like a lion. she pushes his hand off of her and stops him from doing so with a serious face.

'no, I wanted to give him some time alone.. I'll be ready when he's ready'

••• to be continue •••

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