"Hope they got that," she sighed glancing back as she climbed off the bike.

"Wouldn't complain if we had to do it again," he drawled. "You're perfect, Alison Campano."

Before he knew it, he was telling her goodbye and heading back to L.A. while she stayed to play the last weekend of the festival which her parents were coming to see.

"So," Natali said on Friday on their way to pick Joe & Cynthia up from the airport, "you ready to tell our parents you're engaged?"

"Christian was kind of supposed to soften the surprise by asking Dad's permission."

Natali rolled her eyes. "You're the one that said yes."

"Havent you heard 'if you can't say anything positive...'?"

"At least Bradley isn't here."

"How is that positive?"

"Mom would be able to tell there's something between you so at least you can save that conversation for another weekend!" She explained with a grin on her face.

"Still not helpful."

"I was just glad to see you happy."

•         •          •

"Stefi, I love your new ri- OH MY GOD! Stefani Joanne Angelina! Why is that ring on your left hand?" She exclaimed grabbing her daughter's hand. "Joe! There's a ring on her left hand!" Cynthia called to her husband from across the kitchen.

"What?!" he called out hurrying over from the stove where he was busy simmering sauce. "Loopy, did Christian propose? When?" her father asked more quietly now realizing that he hadn't even been given the courtesy of giving his permission. Not that his daughter needed his permission to do anything but it was just one more thing to add to the growing list of reasons why he disliked her new fiancé.

"He did. After last weekend's performance. Isn't it pretty?" She asked, holding her hand out to her father.

"Beautiful ring for a beautiful girl," he replied. "What a week! Coachella, proposal, beginning filming for your first movie. How's Bradley?"

"Filming was great! I loved being able to sing as Ally, but knowing Little Monsters were in the crowd was so amazing. Bradley was made to be a director. He has an amazing way of seeing things while making me feel completely comfortable diving into our characters," she gushed with a smile on her face.

Joe took notice of how she seemed happier talking about Bradley than Christian, but kept it to himself. After meeting Bradley at Thanksgiving, and then Christian at the Super Bowl, he himself, was more fond of the actor but Stefani seemed happy as far as he could tell. That was all he ever wanted. "So you're happy, darling?"

"Yes, Daddy. I'm happy." She kissed his cheek and gestured to the pan "Now don't burn the gravy." She loved having her parents in town and found herself with mixed feelings a few days later. She was always sad when it was time for them to head back to New York but she couldn't wait to get back to LA to start filming... and to see Bradley.

• • •

It was early in the morning on their first day of shooting in L.A., when the ring of Stefani's phone woke her from a deep sleep, "Natali, I swear to God, I love you but whatever it is, it can wait til morning."

"Stef? It's me. I'm sorry for calling so late... early. I don't even know."

"Bradley?" She questioned, slipping out from under Christian's dead weight and into the hallway. "What time is it?"

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