"You good? Last time I saw you almost threw up in my seat," I said to him. He chuckled.

"I'm fine so what we doing. This where you jump me right," Jody said.

"Nigga, ain't nobody gon fucking jump you. Actually last night was your test and you passed. You might've thrown up under pressure but you still shot that nigga and you protected some of us in the process," I told him.

"I guess...it's not as hard as I thought. Plus the duffel bag of money was nice," He said to me. I drove all the way to Dope Ink.

"Speaking of money don't go spending that shit in the wrong places. If buy a car buy an Altima or something don't get no fucking Bugatti or some shit like that. You can't give the feds any reason to find about you," I told him.

"You right," Jody said.

"So you in or not?" I asked him.

"Oh so now you giving me a choice?"

"Well I mean you can go in get TRB tatted on yo' arm or we can turn back around and you go back to your old life," I said to him.

"Nigga...I'm way too deep turn around now," He said as he got out the car.

"I'll be waiting out here for you tell them Franklin sent you. Should be free," I said to him. Jody walked in. He was cool and I appreciate the fact that he has gotten to know his members. He's doing everything the right way. Running this shit is all new to me. I just hope I can protect them long enough. I never had nobody on my team die before but the way Matthew sending his niggas after me every chance he get I might have to start being more protective. I don't like killing but I learned from last time I can't keep showing mercy to people who don't deserve it.

After teaching Jody the ropes I came back home and as soon as I pulled up. I see Cristina's car pulling into James's driveway. No lie I had a thing for her fine ass. As I much as I try to ignore her for James's sake I can't help the fact that I want to have her screaming my name with her legs wrapped around me. I know James loves her and know he's protective over her. Me being the type of nigga to one night 'em and not wife 'em I see why he warns me about not fucking her over. Then again that doesn't stop me from wanted to fuck her over and over. So I decided to make my way over to her. She was on her to the house.

"Red...why haven't you texted me back yet?" I asked her. She looked over at me and rolled her eyes.

"I got school. Final exams week," She said to me with that sexy ass voice of hers. She sounded smart I just want to hear her say my name. I admire the fact that she going to college and she trying to make something of herself. I don't know how many times these hoes tried to trap me to get my money.

"Ok...you wanna do something tomorrow. Just me and you whatever you want, baby," I told her while getting more close to her.

"We'll see..." She said. I grabbed her waist and I pulled her close to me. I got her blushing and shit.

"Imma pick you up from your classes and we'll decide then. Okay, Red?"

"Ok but don't have me waiting." I kissed her on the neck.

"Never that." I let her go and I went back into my house. I was about to roll up a blunt and chill for a second. I can't get my brother outta of my head. He tried to kill me when I got in the way that's how serious getting back at someone is to him. That's why I don't believe in revenge killing somebody ain't gon bring the people I loved back. But everytime I show remorse it's never shown back at me.


Cristina POV

I woke up by the blaring sound of the alarm clock on my phone. I grabbed it looking at the time. It was 8 am. I sighed and decided to get up out of my bed. I took a shower and then I rubbed cocoa butter on my body. I grabbed a brush and gel then I brushed my hair to put in a ponytail. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I went into my closet grabbed some gray leggins, white cropped tee, and black flats. I grabbed my laptop and my folder then placed it in my backpack. I left outta my room to find my brothers eating cereal at the table. I see a bowl of cereal placed for me on the table with a blueberry muffin. That's love. I sat at my spot and began to eat.

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