梦 Mèng

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The title means "Dream" in Mandarin Chinese and is exactly what it sounds like. I took one of my dreams and made it into a story.

The twilight shadows gathered in thick clusters around me. In the gloomy light, my surroundings appeared in a monochrome light. The sky appeared a dim gray color. A dull pang of hunger made my stomach clench. I sighed, as I had been walking for hours now. At least I had a bit of cash. A grin made its way halfway across my face when I spotted a diner up ahead. Hallelujah! I thought. Just what I needed!

Quickly, I walked up to the diner and took my seat. I noticed it was completely empty, which was odd as it was about time for dinner, but I just dismissed it as a slow day. Soon enough, a worn looking waitress made her way over to my table. She seemed as though she was on autopilot. Not even a smile graced her face. She simply took my order, gave me the menu and lumbered away.

My iced tea came promptly after I ordered and I grinned in satisfaction upon seeing the bitter, light brown liquid. I was about to take a sip when a man - looking much like a combination between Michael Jackson and Sirius Black - appeared from the shadows of a corridor I, frankly, had not noticed was there.

The man lifted up a crooked, boney finger and pointed it at me. His eyes were blood shot and layered with bags. He had just the slightest amount of dried blood and saliva around the corners of his lips. With what looked like a great deal of effort, he spoke a single word. "Don't"

Thoroughly frightened by his actions, I placed my drink down and looked down, glancing at the man out of the corner of my eye now and then. My food arrived and I picked up my fork apprehensively, still keeping a close eye on the strange man. It was evident to me by now that he was fighting off some sort of illness or disease. That is, judging by his thin frame and haggard appearance. As soon as I impaled a potato and brought started to bring it to my face, he once again looked me dead in the eyes with his tired ones, pointed a single finger at me and forced out one word. "Don't."

I was really freaked out now so I gathered my few possessions, and hurriedly left the diner. I could feel the man's eyes on me as I escaped. A shiver crept up my spine as I was abruptly exposed to the night air. I let out a slight sigh of relief as I was finally free from the strange and tense environment of the diner.

With my mind now clear of most anxious thoughts, i started to think back on the days events and a tear slid down my face before i quickly brushed it away. I saw a large tree ahead of me. It split into two trucks about five feet up and had a broad area in the middle. Deciding some rest would do me good, I clambered up and leaned against the trunk as my eyes flit shut.


I was reading a book in my room when i heard a terrifying screech from the other side of the house. I quickly raced down the hall to see my father laying on the ground. He wasn't moving at all. My mother was pressed against a wall holding a stool like a lion tamer keeping a... creature at bay. It looked humanoid. It had gray skin and was little more than a thin frame of bones and skin. Suddenly, the thing turned at me and hissed. My heart seemed to stop. It's face was half torn off and it had no eyes. Blood dripped from it's jaws and it's eyes appeared black and full of death. My mother noticed it turned to me and her face turned to one of determination. She lifted the stool and hit it over the head. It crumpled to the ground but was already getting back up. It grabbed my mother's ankle and gripped her tightly, it's elongated nails tearing into her skin and drawing blood. She looked like she was holding back a scream. Tears streamed down her face when she turned to me. "Run, goddammit! Get out of here while you have the chance!" The creature squeezed her leg and I nearly puked when i heard the bone shatter. She screamed in pain and looked at me. "RUN! NOW!" Unable to process what was happening, I simply ran out the door and grabbed my bike before pedaling as fast as I could away from the house. From what was my home.


I shot up from my perch in the tree. My breath came in ragged gasps as i was vaguely aware of the tears on my face. I forced my breathing to calm as I banished the days memories from my mind. I refused to think about it. I wasn't totally sure where I was in the world, so i decided to see if I could find someone to tell me where I was this late at night. I had been walking for a while when I saw a night officer. A relieved smile spread across my face. Surely he could help me. I went up to the man, who I now saw had a dog and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me sir, but could yo-" I let out a scream as I saw the decomposed face. He let out a snarl along with his dog. His dog was foaming at the mouse and had seemingly blood red eyes. I backed up a few steps before spinning on my heel and sprinting in the opposite direction. I saw a row of sturdy looking tree's ahead of me and seeing as i wanted to get off the ground to escape the creature as it was steadily gaining on me, I shimmed up the tree with agility I didn't know I had. I ran along the branches and lept from tree to tree. I glanced down and saw them gaining on me. I could only hope they couldn't climb. In my distraction, I missed a branch and fell to the ground with a shriek. A sharp pain shot up my leg and I realised I realized I most likely broke it. The two fell upon me, clawing at me and tearing at my flesh with their teeth. I was screaming in pain until the dog dug its snout into my throat. I felt a searing pain as the blood up around me and pooled by my head and chest. Then everything went black.


My eyes flew open and my hands immediately went to my throat. I couldn't breath. It felt as if there was a great pressure on my chest. Once I managed to calm down my body, I looked at my surroundings. I let out a sigh of relief. It was just a dream.  

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