Escaping the Hunters: The Story of a Turkey

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My name is Taylor Turkey. I have escaped the hunters for the past few years and now, the time has come again. I must get away, for Thanksgiving, had arrived.

I'm running though the woods as fast as i possibly can there's at least three dogs at my tail feathers. I can hear them. Panting, Barking, slobbering at the idea of catching me while they snapped at my heels. I saw a river up ahead and even though i thought it was stupid it was my best bet. Sure, i could climb a tree but not fast enough to escape the dogs. And even if by some miracle i could, they would still have my scent and a hunter would come and shoot me down. The river, on the other hand, would wash away my scent  and allow me to escape. I wasn't a very good swimmer but i dove in before i could allow myself to think. 


This was a very bad idea! i thought as the river tossed me this way and that.  I was pulled down the river for author knows how long before finally washing up on shore. I collapsed in a puddle and laid there, desperately trying to retrieve my breath. 

After i laid there for a bit i forced my self to get up and head down stream a little bit farther. It was now or never, that much i knew. I had to get ready. I knew that there was a human camp a little farther down river. Now, i know what your thinking. "Wow! What a great idea! Going to a human camp while trying to hide from humans!" But seriously, i needed something they had. A shovel. i splattered my self in mud a rolled in a leaf pile to camouflage myself. i created a makeshift basket and picked it up in my beak. 

Soon, i saw it. i made my way up to the beach and put down my basket. Darting out of the bushes, i ran onto the beach and grabbed the small, garden shovel and ran back into the bushes. I dropped it off into the bucket and darted back out again, this time to retrieve a bowl for storing water. i repeated this several times until i had everything i might need. I started down again but realized my pace was to slow for any hope of getting somewhere in time. I put down the basket and gathered up some small logs. i secured these together by lashing vines around them. I got onto my raft and headed down river again, using a long branch to steer.


Once i felt that i was far enough away, i pulled up onto the store. i took the basket and put it on the shore. i was walking away when i had a thought. I turned around and pushed the raft into the reeds in case i needed a quick getaway. i once again picked up the basket and walked away from the river again. I knew i needed to be somewhere near by so  could have easy access to the raft. I began to look around. Suddenly, i saw it.  A small area almost right behind right behind the reeds, enclosed by tightly packed trees and bushes.  A tiny clearing with a decent sized Juniper bush towards the far end. I sighed with relief. I grabbed the shovel and started to dig underneath it.

I was about 2 feet deep and was about to begin the chamber when the ground beneath me started crumble. I started to scramble back up the tunnel but to no avail.  the ground collapsed underneath me. I was falling. i screamed and then i realized that there was ground underneath me. I looked around in wonder.

I had fallen into a cavern, about 4 feet wide and 5 feet long.  There were small indents in the walls that with a bit of work. Along with that, there was a small trickle of water flowing into a small pool. I couldn't have possibly hoped for better. using the collapsed soil, i created a make shift path way back to the tunnel and went back up. I grabbed a bunch of moss and created multiple nests.

I set about digging a back exit. Once that was finished i attached multiple leaves and created a flap type door at both entrances.  I dug out the crevices a bit more until they resemble shelves. I gathered up nuts, berries, leaves... Anything edible i could get my talons on. I sorted everything else into crevices and covered them with leave flaps.

I created a pathway through the reeds to the raft, being sure to keep it well hidden. I gave my self a fresh coat of mud an leaves and set back up the river.


It took me a while but when i got there, i felt a huge relief. We had a small colony you see. Basically only extended family, but we still were quite numerous. "My fellow flock members! The dreaded day has almost arrived! Thanksgiving is but a week away! I have created a safe haven were we can stay secure until the day has passed! Any who wish to survive must gather their things and meet me here in an hour! Then i will take you to my hide out." Many of the turkeys had been severely scared and scurried into their homes to collect anything they might need. 

One hour time skip because i just didn't know what to have Taylor Turkey do ok? .... Also... i'm kind of lazy but you people love me anyways... Right?

The hour had passed and every one had gathered at the river with their meager possessions.  "Cover yourselves with mud and leaves and we will head back down the river." They did as i was told. Within minutes, They were barely distinguishable from the surrounding landscape at a distance. "Right. Lets go." I had barely uttered those words when we set off. Before long we got to the bush. I herded them in and told them to put their things in the crevices.  Once everyone was settled i took the last nest and quickly fell asleep to the gentle snores around me. I had done alot of work to see everyone to safety. I deserved a rest...

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