He went flying.

Striking the wall, he slid down to the floor and lay still. Eloyse clapped a hand over her mouth in shock, slowly backing away from him, scared. Had she actually hurt him? Was he ok? Was he dead? He better not be dead! Trembling, Eloyse inched backwards, hands reaching behind her for the wall. Her eyes were glued on the still motionless man lying crumpled against the floor. Her fingers brushed the rough surface, and she edged closer. The man gave a small groan, moving his head a little. He was alive, but obviously not much. She had done that. 

She had nearly killed someone in a small fit of anger.


A short week later saw the HYDRA leader making his way to a hidden base to see an "exceptionally good experiment". Arriving, he was ushered into a comfortable room overlooking a large, round room enclosed in hard glass. The door on the far side slide open and a young person was shoved in.

"Subject E057." the director Maxter proudly said, leaning toward the leader. "Telekinetic abilities on people, instant healing for others, physic shield, light manipulation, force field, and empath. Also was already trained in advanced hand to hand combat. The only drawbacks is she can't heal herself, and hates fighting. We can't wipe her either because of her physic shield."

The leader nodded, motioning for silence. The enemies were being introduced into the room. The girl was gathering her powers. They were a light blue color. She suddenly whirled on the man nearest her, shoving her hands out towards him. He gave a grunt as he was thrown into the wall. E057 spun around, touching the next enemy who had gotten close enough. She collapsed, paralyzed by the single touch.

Eloyse swung around, swiping with her hand. Using one person, she turned him against his teammates, forcing them all into one corner. She knew she had to disable everyone if she wanted to walk out of here alive. Suddenly a painful heat flashed through her wrists, along with a hard jolt. She stumbled, falling to her knees. The bracelets were tight around her wrists. Furious, she scrambled back to her feet, meeting the oncoming woman with a round kick to the head. It was ducked. Eloyse disengaged. She backed away from the several people who were crowding toward her. She tried to summon up her powers, but failed. 

Glancing around, she noted that there was somebody new watching her. She frowned. Was she being shown, like an object? Probably.

She slid out of the pocket they'd trapped her in, lightly running to the other side of the room. 

"Engage." said a mechanical voice in her ear. Eloyse clenched her fists, still avoiding the rest of her opponents. "Engage." the voice repeated, a little stronger. She hesitated, weighing the risks. She had refused before, and had been given a shock that hurt like she'd never been hurt before. She plunged into the fight, turning her fury onto her attackers. 

Maxter turned to the leader, answering the question he'd left hanging for a few minutes. "Her powers are gone because of her bracelets. See them, on both wrists? We thought you'd like to see her do hand to hand also, so I instructed her handler to activate the bracelets if it was going too easy for her. They are also equipped with shocking devices. Electricity is her weakness, she's very sensitive to it. When she is not obeying, that can be used. See there, they've turned down the bracelets so she had limited powers."

Sure enough, she was able to help block blows with her shield, but it was a weak barrier. Then it flickered and vanished. She narrowed her eyes, savagely attacking her last opponent. He was good, one of the toughest she'd fought so far. She was putting out her best and it wasn't enough. Gritting her teeth, she wacked him across the cheek with her open palm. It didn't phase him, but it helped her because it looked like it hurt.

"The Avengers are so gonna get you for this. All of it!" she snapped at him. He jerked to a halt. 


"The Avengers. You'll pay!" she snarled like a cornered wolf.

The man punched at her, but it was halfhearted. "You friends with them?"

Eloyse suddenly fell silent, scared she'd said too much already. She felt the release of her bracelets and took control of the man, forcing him belly-down on the floor before giving him slight paralyzation. She dropped her hands and stalked away.


"I'm staying."

"No, you're not." Tony disagreed.

Shyden crossed his arms and frowned, "She's my sister. I stay."

"You're a kid. You go."

"No, I won't."

"You go. Thor, he's going." Tony tossed over his shoulder. Thor stalked over, a half-sympathetic look on his face. Shyden whirled to face him, aggressively.

"Don't you dare touch me." he ordered.

"Oh, fiesty." 

Shyden suddenly turned nice. "You were a god, weren't you?"

Thor proudly smiled. "Yes. Prince of Asgard, god of Thunder."

"Well, this isn't Asgard, so you aren't a god, prince, or anything but a normal person here." Shyden flipped off the charm and turned away, not the least interested anymore. Thor visibly deflated.

"Wh-what..." he helplessly tried, but Shyden was done with him. Tony groaned and facepalmed.

"Just take the kid!" he commanded Thor. The big blond nodded, reaching for Shyden only to have the boy turn into a wolf and snarl. He spun around and fled into the forest. Tony really groaned then. Steve sighed.

"Bucky, go after him." 

"Why me?" Bucky whined, looking startled.

"Because you're the only guy with a metal arm. A wolf bite won't hurt you at all."

Bucky gave a well-he's-right shrug and started off after Shyden. The team relaxed. It was one of the first times they'd relaxed since losing Eloyse. Since the day Shyden had stepped out of the woods and revealed himself, they'd all gone through the terrors of parenthood trying to rein in the eleven year old's unlimited energy and spirit. However, without knowing it, they'd helped each other forget their panic about Eloyse. Until today. 

Only twenty minutes ago Tony and Bruce had gotten a faint signal from Eloyse's tracker that vanished nearly as quickly as it came. Yet everyone was suited up and ready to go flying in search of a stronger signal when they remembered Shyden. The decision was made to send him to Asgard, but they'd quickly realized he didn't agree. And so now Bucky was out hunting down the wolf-boy. 

Nearly an hour later the super-soldier returned, a sulky Shyden being drug along behind him. Bucky was slightly disheveled. He handed off the boy to Thor, who hid a grin, pulling Shyden close. Holding up his hammer, he looked to the sky.

Shyden's eyes widened, perceiving something big was about to happen. He was quick to wrap both arms around the god. And in the next instant the Bifrost was opened, and Thor and Shyden vanished in a fiery streak.

"Good riddance!" Tony breathed, stepping into his suit. 

"Aw, you don't really mean that." Pietro argued. Tony tipped his head, then sighed.

"No, I don't. Everybody in the jet. Let's go find her."

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