athours note

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Hey guys this is my first story/book i hope you guys like it .

If you guys have suggestions leave them in the comments and i will try and see what i can do with them.

A little about me is i had first seen McFarland USA in Spanish class this year and im in 9th going in to 10th  grade when i first ever seen the movie i had not seen the vary beginning so i bought it not knowing what the beginning was like and since then i fell absolutely in love with it and the actors and the people they played in the movie i think that there life were really hard and with how they adapt on the running and how they made adjustments to there schedules just so they could run for fun even though they did it to see if they probably could have impressed girls and win.

Hope you guys like the story/book as much as its going to be fun for me to see your comments and your ideas and how its going to be fun for me to write it.

Updates im not quite sure when that's going to happen yet but i will get to it when i can

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