R x E x N [Implied Romance] "airhead."

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Normal life AU
This is a sickfic, I am self indulgent person.

Notes [May spoil bits of fic.]
•I put them in Japan because they speak Japanese. But it's highly implied they're actually speaking English. But I don't know enough about UK School system or Canada or other first language English schools well enough and US is boring lmao.
•I wanted to put them in average Japanese school uniforms but I'd imagine Emma would not bow down to any fantasies and wear stockings or tights but just black shorts that are longer than the actually skirt. [Like Takane from Kagerou Project/Mekaucity Actors. lol.]
•I imagine Isabella would be Ray's mother, if she is a "good" mother in this AU is questionable. I think Yugo would be Emma's caretaker although I can not imagine her ever calling him "dad." Although he virtually is to Emma and Ray in canon.
•I think Norman would be taken care of by James. His placement is questionable.
•I know Violet, in canon, is actually a year older than the trio but I decided that she's just a few months older but in the same grade.
•I didn't know if I felt Norman and Emma being very scared for Ray's health or them "bullying" him about it but still take care of him fit better so I went with a mixture of both. I believe they would be more worried if he was in more danger.
•I wanted to have the Goldy Pond Team be close. But changing like all their ages three years younger felt wrong I put them in a club together. (Probably led by Lucas and his "son" Oliver lol.)
•I choose archery because it's the closest to guns without being guns. Lmao. (Also Emma saying "I won't miss!" And Miss is just golden. If you get the reference you're amazing lol.)
•I feel like Isabella would look down on Ray's friends from Goldy Pond because their not as smart at him.
•I feel as though Isabella would volunteer a lot at the orphanage and would make Ray go and Emma would go to keep him company. But Norman usually (especially after 12.) couldn't go as much for family reasons.
•I believe Ray and Emma, bored without Norman would try to find a club to spare extra time. Which is what leads them to the archery club. (Violet probably talked them into it by using the orphan children as a critical weak point. Lol.)
Ray woke up tired, although he isn't a morning person unlike Emma. He was super tired. His body felt heavy, his eyes too. Ray chalked it up to "not enough sleep" but his runny nose, hurting lungs, and splitting headache would like to disagree with him.

Before he could even get out of bed a bunch of sneezes came out and he surrendered to his bed again. Before he knew it his mom had entered the room and tucked him into bed again. Ray swears she has the best ears. But he's too tired to complain to her.
"I'll call in sick for you today. Just rest, okay?" Ray muffled a groan as she petted his hair down. He slowly opened his eyes to stare at his mother. Her purple eyes meeting his. She gave him a small smile and left the room closing his door.


Emma pulled out her chair by the front near the window. Some kids were already there talking and gossiping. She dusted off her skirt and at down. She didn't particularly care for skirts but the school let her wear longer shorts underneath so she didn't mind to much.
"Morning, Emma." Norman said pulling the chair behind her. Emma turned to him and smiled brightly,
Norman gave her soft smile in return and sat down. Just like a robot, he folded his arms together close to his chest like he did every morning.
"Have you seen Ray? His mom works here so he's usually the first one here." Norman said. Emma nodded a no. But hummed in a thinking tone.
"Emma! Norman!" Violet said waving her hand while entering the room. Emma smiled and waved back. Norman awkwardly did the same. Him and Violet weren't necessarily friends but Violet was Emma and Ray's friend so they got along just fine. Violet sat, to both their awkward complaints, right next to Norman. Violet pulled out her chair and basically jumped into her seat. When she finally looked back up to Emma from grabbing her water she started to talk,
"Archery was so tiring this morning. Seriously, Sandy was on my back about not hitting the target. Ugh, and I love all my club members to bits but damn Paula was so annoying this morning. Too bad you couldn't make it. Ah- and Ray too-" Violet exaggerated her movements by swaying her water bottle around. Emma giggled. "Huh? No sassy comments? Where is Ray?" Violet asked.


"Miss?" Norman asked. Isabella turned around,
"What is it?"
She asked. Her purple eyes narrowing. Both Emma and Norman get chills down their spine,
"Uh. Is Ray okay? He wasn't here today..."
Isabella hummed and nodded closing her eyes. She tapped the papers together to get them to be even.
"He is fine just sick. Actually..." She began reaching for her purse. She grabbed out a few dollars, holding it out to Norman and Emma.
"If you'd be so kind to go and give him medicine. He's too stubborn to take it himself, which all three of us know." She began, she narrowed her eyes,
"All three of us know you you two have an extra key and all three of know you two would have snuck in even if I told you not to."
Both teens tense up. They never even left traces. How did she know?-
"You're right." Norman began, both Emma and Norman close their eyes and nodding back and forth, "But we'd never take the money." Isabella let her serious persona go and let out a laugh. She stuffed the money back into her purse, she sighed,
"I knew you wouldn't." She began, "but you should finally for taking care of that boy. He would be dead without you two. But I'm guessing you're both very content with being protective of him, hmm?" She asked eyeing them while she began to grade papers again. Both Emma and Norman nod and smile. Taking their leave out of her empty classroom and changing their shoes and leaving to walk to his house.
Ray is woken up to a cold rag put on his forehead which he mumbles to. He tries to sit up, ringing in his ears becoming clearer. A hand pushes him back down onto the bed.

Ray's mind finally catches up to his woken up body and opens his eyes fully. He's met with a slightly annoyed Emma but nevertheless, smiling. She sighs putting hands on her hips,
"Jeez, Ray. And you call me an airhead. But not having medicine within the time we couldn't take care of you is stupid." Emma explained. Ray groaned at her personal attack to his last bit of dignity, completely destroyed from Emma taking care of him. And his whole boy was sore. That could be it as well. Ray sighed sitting a bit up, making sure not to let the rag drop from his forehead or he'd get a whole lecture from Emma.
"How much did my mom pay you?"
Emma made a "Ah-ah-ah" shaking her head a disapproving "no" Ray snorted which caused pain in his lungs.

"Your mother didn't pay me a single dime. And I wouldn't have wanted any. Taking care of the usually composed Ray is too much fun. Plus you're a lot more submissive and cute when you barley know what's going on. Normal you would never let me kiss your cheek." Emma said snickering when Ray almost squeaked. Ray seriously had no dignity anymore. And soon he'd have a dead body in his room. "Now, now, plan to murder us after you get better." Norman said entering his bedroom with medicine.

Oh. Scratch that. Ray seriously had no dignity. Norman put his hand to Ray's chest and pushed his back to the bed frame. "Open wide Ray." Norman hummed which Ray complained to but did so. Norman tipped the spoon and Ray immediately wanted to spit out the awful tasting medicine he was given but held himself back from making this even more embarrassing than it was.

Both Emma and Norman smile.
"Here's some water, Ray." Norman said pulling away the spoon from Ray's lips and pushing the water cup up to Ray's lips.
"I...I can hold it myself...." Ray muttered. Both of his friends ignored his comment. Ray reluctantly took a sip of water. Emma and Norman were so dead soon.
"Ray. We were really worried!" Emma said grabbing a thermometer from the night stand.
Norman nodded, "You could have died while we were at school." Ray groaned but Emma slipped in the thermometer into his mouth.
"I wouldn't have died. You two are taking this way too seriously..." Ray muffled with the thermometer in his mouth. His mother had an old fashioned one that, Ray swears, he used in science class in middle school. But his mother always brushed him off. Although she had always loved "older" things. Seriously? Who still used an envelope opener?

Norman and Emma both sigh,
"Luckily you just had a bad cold. But for being such an airhead we'll be taking care off you all night!" Emma exclaimed jumping up and down, smiling brightly.
Norman chuckled at her antics and smiled,
"Good thing it's Friday and your mom is volunteering at the orphanage all night, huh?" Ray groaned closing his eyes and softly hitting the back of his head on the head frame. He felt Emma and Norman grab both sides of his face. Which caused him to open his eyes. They brought their face closer to his and both kissed his cheeks. Ray stuttered and blushed but was too tired to hit or call them idiots. He watched as both of his idiotic friends smiled softly at him.

They both ended up slipping into the bed with Ray as well.


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