55. Teenage Dream

Start from the beginning

Whenever we're not at home we have a security team with us, so when we land in Nashville there are two security cars waiting. Karlie goes with the three older girls, and Oscar is being super fussy so I go with the two little ones because Karlie stresses when he's super cranky and I don't. "It's nice to see you again, Miss Swift." Ian moves out for the way for me to put Everleigh in the car since he put her car seat in for me, and I smile back as I strap the toddler in. "We certainly don't get to come home enough, I miss Nashville a lot."

I close Ever's door and Ian holds Oscar's car seat until I can climb into the middle seat between them and click the infant into place. "Well it's good to see you so happy." I smile and thank him and he closes the door again. "Do you want the pacifier, buddy?" Usually his binky soothes him, but I think he just really needs a nap so that's the first port of call for both little ones when we get to the Nashville estate.

I haven't been here in over a year since the last time we were in Tennessee it was when Adam was back and Emilie and I stayed with my parents. "Mama, kitty?" I look over to Everleigh as Oscar holds onto my finger and I brush her curls with my fingers, "the kitties and joey are back at home with auntie Kimby." Everleigh is so obsessed with the cats and I don't know how she's going to cope being without them for the next few days.

"Mama?" She babbles at me again and I laugh, stroking the sweet girl's cheek as I smile, "yes, baby?" The toddler grabs my hand and holds onto my fingers as she turns to look out of the window and I smile as I feel my heart leap in my chest. I look between my two little angels, both of them holding onto me and finally content.

I'm super nervous and excited about being back in the public eye after so long away, but knowing that once it's all over with then I'm still going to have my beautiful children and my gorgeous wife to come home to makes it all worth it. I want to set a good example for them and I want them to see that you can get something in life if you really work for it.


"Are we gonna go for a nap?" I coo at the two little ones as I carry them upstairs and Ever is basically falling asleep on me as we walk while Oscar is just looking for a boob. The housekeeper was in this morning, so all of the beds are freshly made, and I take the two little ones upstairs to Karlie and I's bedroom. There is no glider here to rock them to sleep, so cuddles will have to suffice and we brought their Dock-a-tots for them to sleep in since there are no cribs or bassinets.

"Oh, you're a sleepy girl, aren't you?" I sit on the bed as I cuddle Everleigh into my side and the toddler doesn't protest wrapping her arms around me and cuddling in. "Do you want your boba?" She's too little to pronounce bottle properly, so she usually calls it her boba or just asks for milk. "I already know what you want, precious boy." Oscar is getting fussy as I pass Everleigh her bottle.

"There you go, baby." I lift my shirt and let the baby latch on, feeling like a human cow for the millionth time in the last two months. "Taylor, where the heck are you?" I laugh as I hear the voice of my best friend and not seconds later Abigail rushes into the bedroom. "I'm trying to put them down for a nap so if you're staying, stay quiet." I laugh as Abi sits on the bed opposite me with a huge grin, it's been so long since we've gotten the chance to see each other.

"Look at you, look at all of this." She grins as she lays down beside Everleigh, the toddler basically asleep as she cuddles into my side. "It's all pretty perfect, huh?" I smirk as I stroke my baby boy's cheek, "you always wanted a big family." Abigail laughs as she smiles at the little ones and I nod, "now I'm a mom of five."

It all still feels a little surreal to me that we now nearly officially have five kids. "Have you heard anything from the social worker?" We don't see each other much these days but we still talk all the time and she knows everything, "we haven't, but she said it could take up to six weeks which is nothing compared to what we would've had to wait, so I'm not complaining. We're happy as we are." The redhead nods and I look down to Everleigh who is warily watching Abigail.

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