"I need to refill my self with Misaki other wise I can't think"

Misaki had only nodded his head in acceptance which surprised Usagi since Misaki always struggled against having sex. But Usagi took Misaki's obedience as a way for him to say that he wanted it too.

Flash back end Nobody's POV

How could he have missed the signs?! It was inexcusable, it was. Usagi felt as if he had failed as Misaki's lover and felt his heart break in pieces as he thought of how Misaki covered up his stress and sickness to please him.

Hours later, Misaki was still in surgery when Takahiro came in. He looked around and spotted Usagi quickly.

"Usagi, How's Misaki...What happened...all I was told was that Misaki was in the hospital. I tried to get here as soon as I could, but you know long it takes for me to travel here from my place."

Usagi stared at Takahiro, and repeated all that Nowaki had told him. Then he fell silent.

Takahiro sat down and grabbed his head as he whispered "It finally happened, I hoped that he would be lucky and it not come to this!"

Usagi heard this and looked to Takahiro, "What are you talking about?"

Takahiro swallow and said "On our dad's side Arrhythmia's ran in the family, it's a heart disease that is inherited, but it is usually found out at an early age. We thought that it skipped our generation because both of us tested negative for it. But a couple months ago Misaki was visiting my house, while he was there, he told me that he had gone to the doctors cause he was having chest pains...He said that the doctors told him that he has arrhythmia, that it had developed in him.

"WHAT! WHY WAS I NOT TOLD!?" Usagi asked raising his voice in shock of the news.

"I wanted to tell you but he begged and begged me not to!"

"Who did?"

"Misaki, he said he didn't want to burden you. He said if you knew of his condition that you would agonize over it and he doesn't want that."

Usagi felt tears come to his eyes but he refused to let them fall. He could feel his heart tear even more.

"Misaki has been suffering a heart condition but he's been putting my happiness above his comfort. I was too rough...if only I had known how fragile you where...Misaki...I'm so sorry..."

Usagi agonized over these thoughts sinking into a depression.

Hours later Nowaki came out very tiered looking and withdrawn.

Usagi and Takahiro held their breath until Nowaki gave a sad smile and told them that the surgery was a success.

Both Usagi and Takahiro released their breath in relief.

Nowaki continued with, "However he has not woken yet, we think that his body put him into a comma so we wont know how long it will be before he wakes. We moved him to room 172, because he just got out of surgery we need to check his vitals, so we need you all to wait for another hour

Takahiro was the first to speak "Alright...thank you...so much..."

Nowaki left the two to wait for the time where they could visit Misaki.

Takahiro then turned to address Usagi, "When Misaki wakes, I've decided that he's going to come back home with me...he needs to be with his family."

Usagi, shocked at this, stood up quickly, despair evident in his eyes, "NO, YOU CAN'T!"

Takahiro also stood, his brow furrowed in confusion, "Why not...he needs to be cared for and only his family wold have the love and patience to hep him through this."

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