Mannequin ¦ jennie

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"Yes, it just arrived. Thanks." I put the phone inside my pocket and faced the delivery guy in my door step.

"Miss Jennie Kim?" The delivery boy asked as he read the paper on his hand.

"That's me." I answered.

He gave me the paper and the pen. "Please sign here."

I signed the paper and smiled as he smiled at me while I handed it back to him.

"Have a good day ma'am." I watched him stepped away from my house and went to his truck.

I glanced at the package that's still wrapped beside the doorframe. It's a mannequin, I ordered it because my old mannequin broke. I needed it because I am making dresses and clothes. It's my hobby to design and make dresses and my family gives full support and love in my dream as a future fashion designer.

I grabbed the package and brought it inside the house since I can carry it with my hands.

I put it beside the couch and tore the box that covered it. The mannequin already visible but it's still covered in bubble wrap. I left it as I went upstairs to get my scissor when I heard a pop from a bubble wrap.

I ignored it at first but then another bubble wrap popped.

It's just mom, stop overthinking Jennie. I told myself.

I continued to search for a scissor inside my room when my phone rang and I picked it out of my pocket quickly.

"Jen, darling, what shade of lipstick you said you wanted?" I froze on the spot when I heard mom's voice in my phone. "I'm in Moonshot right now darling, you told me you wanted a new lipstick right?"

Fear rose in my body and I started trembling. The phone fell to the floor due to my shaking body.

I'm alone.

I was about to pick my phone when another bubble wrap popped and now it's behind me.

Creepy One Shots ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ