
The restraints on her wrists tightened as she strained against them, struggling to avoid the punishment. 

"We can stop this." The blond man leaned down to get in her line of vision. She dropped her eyes even further. "All you have to do is talk." he narrowed his eyes when Eloyse gave no reply. "Another ten!" He crisply barked to the man holding the whip. Eloyse tensed, biting her lip until it bled to withhold her screaming. The back of her shirt was in tatters already, her back laced with cuts and dripping blood. 

**The man who walked through the door was not who she expected. He was clean cut, polite, even friendly. "Hello, Ms. Kaleni. I trust you aren't too injured by the fight?"

"No, m'fine." She suspiciously eyed him.

He broadly smiled. His eyes were blue, but since he was blond, they should have been blue anyway. "Good! I have a few quick questions. I suggest you answer truthfully." he held a clipboard, and a pen was in his other hand. Eloyse reluctantly obeyed his motion, taking a seat on the table. He sat in the chair. "Where is the Tanzanite?"

Eloyse gave him a confused look. "The what?"

"Come on, don't pretend."

"No, I honestly don't know what it is." She protested. He frowned slightly.

"What about the Taafite?" His frown deepened when she shook her head no. "It's no use avoiding it." he said, his voice turning slightly more threatening. "We traced the signal right to you. You have it."

"No I don't. I've never even heard the words." she unknowingly responded to his shifting emotions, getting irritable and short-tempered. He glared at her.

"Do we really have to do this the hard way?"

"No. Not if you'll just believe me instead of writing me off as a lair instantly." she snapped. He stood up, all pretense of friendliness gone. Stalking over to the door, he opened it and turned back to her. His voice was cold when he spoke.

"I'll be back. You'll tell us." **

"You'll tell us." Eloyse mocked under her breath, recalling his threat. "I can't tell something I don't know." She was trying her best to take her mind off the searing pain.

"What was that?" Blondie turned back. Eloyse stuck her tongue out at him. Sure, she knew it was childish and dumb, but she'd discovered he hated it, so now she did it to annoy him. Probably not the smartest move when she was a prisoner being tortured. He stormed over. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?"

Eloyse gave him a lazy look, deliberately turning her head away. She could feel the bonds on her left hand slipping. Her hands were smaller than they'd figured. In the next instant, she had it out and gathered all her powers. Her hand darted forward, touching Blondie. He gave a pained yell, grabbing at the place she'd touched. She quickly shifted, reaching over with her free hand to undo the clasp holding her other hand down. She met the charging whip man with both open hands glowing brilliant blue. He slammed to a halt upon making contact, and Eloyse jumped toward the door, leaving two blue scorch marks on his chest. She nearly made it to the door before it swung open and people poured in.

She hadn't known so many could fit in that small space. She took one look at all the guns and wisely surrendered. Blondie was FURIOUS. As expected. He came marching over, grabbed her arm and dragged her back to the place she'd been, hissing profanities at her. Yet she still couldn't resist. She tipped her hand, fingertips resting on the side of his leg, and let her power out through there. He let out a howl, dropping her arm to clutch at his thigh. "That's it! You little b-"

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