Chapter 3: "I'll Help You Out!"

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{Hint For This Chapter's Easter Egg: Superman's BEST FRIEND.}

          The two returns to the Daily Planet and Clark calls his police contact. Olivia sat looking around. The Daily Planet was bustling everywhere. Olivia looks over and spots Lois Lane talking with Jimmy Olsen.

"Alright, my source with the police will check out your name and get back to me." Clark says, "You seem to be happy about something? What's up?"

"The world inside of comic book issues I've been reading since I've been a kid is real and living in a completely alternate dimension than the one I'm from. And you all seem to have the faces of the actors who play you in TV shows." Olivia says.

"It's a little... strange how you've read all about us." Clark says.

"It wasn't just you. It was also your super friends." Olivia mutters and Clark raises an eyebrow, "You'll see what I mean one day." She smiles at him.

"So, I guess the question is, if you aren't actually from here and don't have a current way to get home, what are we going to do with you?" Clark asks.

"Well, I've studied journalism. I'm sure you could use someone to help you keep your secret." Olivia says.

"I can see about getting you a job here. But let's find out what my source says first." Clark says and Olivia nods. Clark looks out the glass window of the building and Olivia looks at him.

"Oh, I know that look." Olivia says, "Someone in danger?"

"An apartment fire." Clark says.

"How about you head to it and I'll get James down there." Olivia says.

"It's two blocks away; a family of four is trapped in apartment 1138." Clark says and writes down the address for Olivia.

"You get to them." Olivia says.

"Olsen?" Clark says and James looks over at him.

"Yes?" James asks.

"I just got a call about an apartment fire. My friend here knows the address. Go with her. I'll join you two there." Clark says. James grabs his father's camera.

"Sure." James says and Olivia heads out with James. They head to the elevator.

"How do you know Clark?" James asks.

"Oh, I knew him back in Smallville." Olivia says.

"Oh. Why didn't he remember you earlier?" James asks.

"It's been a while. I've changed so much since we last saw each other." Olivia says.

"So what do you do?" James asks.

"Well, I studied journalism. My parents said I should get in touch with Clark here at the Daily Planet." Olivia says. Once the elevator reaches the lobby, they head out to the apartment fire. As soon as they arrive, James begins taking pictures. Olivia looks over at him. It was nice to see James in action with taking pictures. James is Clark's best friend. Other than Batman of course.

As soon as the thought crossed Olivia's mind she couldn't help but snicker almost silently. She looks over at Superman arrives and puts out the flames with his icy breath ability before he flies in and gets the victims out of the building as it wasn't going to stay standing for very much longer due to the integrity of the building being compromised. The building crumbles after Superman gets the last couple people out and he uses his cape to cover the kids and their pet cat from any debris.

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