sketchbook x reader

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"It was a dark and stormy night" you wrote. You are a writer. Very creative. It was getting closer to your birthday, your mom will be coming into town for you and your cousin will be there too. You are also very patient so you waited... And waited... And waited...
-1 week later-
It's your birthday and your mom just came over. " hey honey, how are you?" " I've been doing okay" you reply. At around 8 ish your cousin came. He was a small and short boy with a blue mohawk in light blue overalls. He also had a huge orange nose. (He's the tube boi) he then hands you a gift and sits down. "H-happy birthday y/N..." you hear him mumble. (Awwww tube boi seems upset) when the party was finally over and your two guests left, you opened the gift your cousin gave you. It was a Sketchbook, Black cover in plain white pages. "I could add some stickers on the cover." You stated aloud. " I'll be sure to add those f/c stickers... They're my favorite." You didn't put the Sketchbook on your desk and got into some pajamas. When you are finished, you get your new Sketchbook and started to draw and write. Not too long after you put your pencil on the paper, you heard an "OW, that hurts! Why not try paint instead... The brushes feel good on my face anyway..." your mouth was wide open as you saw your Sketchbook grow a face and arms. "Y-you your-" "Yep! A talking sketchbook" the sketch book stated cutting you off. She crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue, you laugh a bit. " I'm Sketchbook, Sketchbook the Sketchbook ." you smile and reply " I'm Y/N..." " what a lovely and creative name! Y/N." The way she said your name made you blush. (OMG O///O) "So can I draw on you? Or wright?" You ask with a slight worry on your face. Sketchbook, seeing you worry, retorted with " you can but be gentle please...>M<" there was a long silence. "Ok... hold still. I want to see something..." you then grab Sketchbook and get your paint brush. You stick your tongue out and squint your eyes as you draw something on your new Notepad. You drew your f/a on her face."Aaaaaaaannnnnnddddd done!" You say with a smile. You are so proud of what you drew. "So I look good?" Sketchbook asked. "Perfect!" You then show her her face. " oh my goodness, you know what tear tear this out. And hang it on your wall. It's super creative and not like organ cake creative..." "Orgin cake?" You question. "Long story" she says. The both of you left till falling asleep and that was your night.
"Night sketchbook... Sweet dreams." You say before drifting off into-
(Larry: DREAM LAND!!!!
Lydia: thanks Larry~💗
Larry: no problem... So where did you put me alcohol?:3
Lydia: top cabinet
Lydia: k, Lydia out!)

DHMIS x Reader [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن