Chapter 1

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Dear mom I am leaving into the old cabin if you wish to find me. I may return home but most likely not. I would know you care if you find me here in the cabin. -Anna

I do not wish to return and I knew deep inside that she won't find me or even try to. I take Tomas with me. He knows to the new mama won't find us she is to busy at bars. My real mamma would she would be home every second making sure we were safe and happy. Papa died a year ago of cancer. Tomas and me were sent to our aunts house. She was the new mama. I felt the breeze running through my curls and rushing away with somewhere to go. The cabin was close, I knew it. "Anna are we there yet? I'm tired." Tomas always complains. "Yes we are don't worry. see there it is." I point to a old log cabin I found one day when I was with the evergreens with mama. I open the door and turn on my flashlight. "Here we are Tomas.". The room had 2 beds with quilts and cupboards with plates and cups. Mama put that there she told me that this is only used if me and Tomas were alone. I heard movement back in the corner of the cabin. A furry blur came out of the shadows. I heard a growl. It was from it. My luck or doom.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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