CH.6 - Wonderland Is Not Wonderous

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The Wonderland crowds were all cheering as their champion fighter held his spear and shield in the air, he chuckled menacingly as you stood on the far end of the coliseum, you were equipped in the smallest armor they had available, in terms of durability, it's the same as his, you held the dagger with two hands as you gripped it tightly, it may be a dagger, but it was more like a broadsword from how big it was, but then again, most jabberwockies were easily over 10 feet so you can understand why it was so big. You looked up and started at Louise as she sat next to her mother, the queen of the wonderlands, she looked amazing in that bridal gown, but you knew you weren't gonna be the groom, but you were determined to do it, you could hear the entire coliseum boo at you, calling things like the meek mortal, suicidal, and delusional, but you didn't care, what mattered was that you were gonna beat the shit out of him, win the official hand of Louise and marry her according to Wonderland tradition, and then take her home and live just like none of this happened... you smiled as you thought, but right now, your life was on the line, in terms of chances, this is essentially David Vs Goliath, soon the whole crowd got quiet as the queen stood up from her seat, all attention was her...

Queen Rowling : "My fellow wonderlandians, from the Jabberwockies to the JubJubs, to yes even you cheshire cats"

Meme-Chan: "That's me!"

Literally everybody in the coliseum: "SHHHHHHH!"

Meme-Chan simply shrugged before sitting in her seat again, she guesses this event is too serious for memes

Queen Rowling : "Ahem... Today will be a day we will remember and talk about for a long time... In this coliseum there are two fight, their goals are the same, to take my daughter's hand in marriage... our two fighters today are our champion, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle"

Soon the crowd roared with their approval, chanting his name and rooting for him, soon the queen signaled everybody to settle

Queen Rowling : "And the other fighter is... some human"

The whole coliseum then began to boo at you, you could also see some people were throwing things at you, you felt humiliated to be there, and you were the good guy, well... at least that's what you would like to believe, soon the queen once again gestured for everybody to quiet down

Queen Rowling : "Alright, now that we are introduced, we will introduce the rules... no fatal wounds, this is not a match to the death, but rather, a match of beliefs, whoever lasts the longest, will win my daughter's hand, Princess Louise Carroll Lockhart the IV, and so..."

Soon she grabbed a flag and you began to gulp, this was it, a normal human vs a 15 ft tall gladiator with years of experience... this should be fun

Queen Rowling : "Let the battle commence!"

She said as she began to wave the flag around, trumpeters began to blow their instruments as an orchestra began to play some serious music, you then began to run right towards Sir Arthur, you yelled as you made your way up to him, you quickly jumped at him, your dagger pointing right at the bottom of his chest plate, however he was gonna block it with his shield, he quickly shoulder bashed you with his shield and sent you flying, you didn't make a sound as you flew through the air, you simply looked at everybody in the coliseum, and time seemed to slow down as you kept on falling, you couldn't help but frown as you saw Louise frowning, she clearly couldn't watch this... And then you felt the floor as you fell face first, you groaned and got up before noticing there was a huge spear coming right towards you, it was coming closer and closer until it was inches away from your face, and impact was inevitable...

You: "Yep that's me... you're probably wondering how I got into this situation, well it all started a day ago when I was taking out the trash..."

Oh shit cool! I get to be the omnipotent 3rd person narrator! No you don't, I'm the author, you don't get to be omnipotent. Yeah well this is my flash back so I get to talk about it, plus what do you have to lose? You were already letting this book die, I'm honestly surprised you continued Waifumaster. Listen you, I didn't let this book die, I was just way too lazy and uninterested to work on it, so I focused all my time in doing literally anything else than this book. Shesh, sounds kinda harsh man, I mean this is your most popular book besides the first book which I can't possibly surpass. Yeah well don't worry about it, I understand people like this story so what matters is that I get a chapter out, speaking of which, just hurry up and have your flashback. Alright sounds good dude! Ahem... It all started when I was taking out the trash, and then... Que superhero landing! Kaboom! That's when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle came into the story, oh shit cool, looks like all these comments about him agree, he's a fucking ass, also he's... Pantheon from league of legends? Waifumaster what are you doing stealing characters from big companies like riot- Shhhh! Don't talk about that shit, they might hear you and get my book copyrighted or something... Oh I get It, sorry I'm new to this whole narrator thing, ahem... basically all of the girls got spooked and walked outside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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