Chapter Two

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Chapter Two
Your POV:
I looked around as confused gladers ran towards the box. Newt and I rushed over. The boys started to lift it open and I looked inside. It was a boy. Another one. He was pushed up to one corner of the box looking up at us. A pained expression crossed his face. He was confused. Well, of course, he was confused! 

Everyone just stared. Why was this boy here? We had just gotten a greenie yesterday. Why? Because nobody else took action, I climbed down into the box. "Don't be afraid" I whispered. "We won't hurt you." He stood up slowly and that's when I really started to notice him more. His hair came down over his forehead and eyes were brown and soft. He was taller than me and I had a feeling he didn't understand how strong he was. 

I held out my hand for him "Come with me" I said softly. He stared into me and took my hand. The boys above us catcalled and hooted when he took my hand and climbed out of the box. "Looks like the new greenie is stealing your lady" Winston teased and nudged Newt. Newt just stood there, with his arms crossed staring at us. 

The rest of the boys had joined in on the teasing. "He looks like a scared little baby" one said. "Welcome to hell" "He'll only last a Day" they all chuckled. "Everyone stop!" Alby shouted. "Get back to work" With that, the boys dispersed and went back to their duties in the field.

Alby came over and introduced himself "Hey greenie. The names Alby" The greenie nodded "I'm-" he stopped. "I don't remember." He said, frustrated. "It's alright." I assured him "you'll get your name back in a few days. I'm (Y/N)" I said. He smiled down at me. Newt walked on over to us and held out his hand, "and I'm Newt". The greenie shook it. 

There was something about him. I don't know if it was his voice or his eyes, but something seemed familiar to me. "Well for now, (Y/N) will take you and show you around," Alby said to the greenie. With that, he turned away and started towards homestead. Newt stayed back another second, holding eye contact with me, before following Alby. 

I turned my attention to the Green-bean. "Well to start," I said, "this, is the Glade". I walked him around and showed him the rest of this hell-hole. He seemed to already be used to it. "I just don't understand," he said to me. "Why can't I remember anything?" I sighed and looked at him. "Every month. For the past two years. Boys had been coming up in that box into this field. None of us could remember anything. And then I came. The only girl. We still don't understand why we are here. Or who put us here. But we do know we need to survive." 

He looked out towards the walls and pointed to the North door. "There. Why can't we just leave out there?" He asked. "Because," I told him. "Out there, is a maze. A maze filled with monsters that hunt and kill. We've been trying for years to get out. We just can't find the end." The greenie seemed to understand by now. Or at least he had come to peace with the idea that we weren't leaving. 

The rest of the day passed on and dinner happened as it always did. Half of the food was eaten, the other half was either thrown, played with, or shoved down Winston's shirt. Tonight, the bonfire raged and roars were heard from every corner of the Glade. 

I sat alone with Newt, watching most of the boys horse around. "The greenie" Newt began "he seems.. accustomed." I looked over to see him laughing with a few others. "I'm glad," I said. Newt turned to look at me. "Oh. So is he your new BFF, now?" Newt flashed. I turned to him. "If you're jealous about this, you need to calm yourself," I said to him. Newt looked down "I'm sorry" he mumbled. 

I wrapped my arm around him and buried my face into his shoulder "it's okay." I said. "It's cute". Just then, I looked up to see Gally walk on over to the greenie. "I saw you getting all googly eyes over my sister" he spat. I stood up and ran over "Gally, you're drunk. Sit down. Now." I said firmly. People started to gather around us. 

"He likes you, (Y/N)" Gally said disgustedly. "I can see it in his eyes" he growled. The greenie stood up and looked Gally dead and the eyes "I'll kill you" Gally growled again. The greenie stared into Gally for a moment. "No you won't," I said to Gally. That's when I felt his arm come swing around to the front. I screamed as Gally's fist collided with the greenies cheek. "YOU ASSHOLE" I screamed at Gally. 

Alby and Zart pulled Gally away as I knelt next to the greenie. "Are you okay?" I frantically asked him. He looked into my eyes and quickly sat up. "Thomas." He whispered. I put my hand to his head to steady him. "What?" Some of the boys asked. "Thomas!" He said again. Loudly this time, grabbing my hand and jumping up. I stared at him. "My name!" He said, "my name is Thomas!" He shouted. 

Everyone stayed quiet for a split second before roars erupted from the crowd. Everyone cheered and chanted his name "Thomas. Thomas. Thomas." Thomas turned around to look at me. He smiled ear to ear. "Thomas" I whispered under my breath. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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