Chapter 6

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This was going to be a good meeting. Bellatrix knew that to be so, because Malfoy's expedition had been a smashing success. Once it was clear that it had been Dark magic to kill the Muggles and burn their houses, fear had rippled through the wizarding world.

So now, as Bellatrix approached Malfoy Manor hand-in-hand with Rodolphus, she knew she was about to face a cheerful Lord Voldemort. That was what made her stop her boots on the frosted grass. Her breath puffed before her as Rodolphus turned, and she sighed.

"He sent me an owl earlier today," Bellatrix informed her husband. "He asked me to stay after the meeting's over."

"Stay," Rodolphus repeated. His face fell a little, and he asked, "For how long?"

"I don't know," Bellatrix admitted, and she watched the little changes in Rodolphus' face as he came to grips with his new reality. He finally met Bellatrix's eyes and asked her softly,

"Are you in love with him?"

"I don't know," she said again, her voice breaking a little. She shrugged and shook her head. "No, I don't think... probably not. I know I'm in love with you, Dolph."

He scoffed a little, his eyes welling suddenly. "How very nice for the both of you. To have your cake and eat it, too."

"Careful," Bellatrix warned. Voldemort could easily look into Bellatrix's head and see Rodolphus' comments, which could earn him torture or worse. Rodolphus nodded, his nose red from impending tears or the cold or both. Bellatrix seized his face with one hand and pushed the hood of her heavy cloak back with the other, and she ordered him, "Kiss me, Rodolphus."

He hesitated, but then he bent and touched his lips carefully to hers. Bellatrix shook her head wildly and insisted,

"Kiss me."

He did, wrapping his arms around her and pulling into a close embrace. He pushed his tongue affectionately between her lips and explored her mouth. It was a familiar and comfortable kiss; it didn't send shockwaves down Bellatrix's spine, but she enjoyed it. She hummed quietly into her husband's mouth, and when he pulled away, she stared into his pale eyes and insisted,

"I married you because I loved you. And I love you today."

"You can't have both of us, Bellatrix," Rodolphus shrugged. "How am I meant to share you? I can't... I can't share you. Not even with him."

"Careful," Bellatrix whispered again, but this time Rodolphus just let her go and walked quickly toward the manor.

He'd been in a fine mood until he'd made the mistake of gazing out a corridor window.

Lord Voldemort had been waiting gleefully for his minions to arrive for what was meant to be a celebratory meeting. But then he'd paused to watch two figures on the frost-encrusted lawn. Bellatrix and Rodolphus, he'd realised at once. They were walking hand in hand, which bothered Voldemort for some annoying reason.

Then things had gotten much worse. He'd watched as they'd stopped, as they'd talked for a moment. He'd seen Bellatrix push her hood back and hold her husband's cheek in her gloved hand, and then they'd kissed. Once, carefully, then very, very deeply. They'd talked some more, and then Rodolphus had come into the manor five steps ahead of Bellatrix.

The little slut.

She was married. Voldemort knew that. But there had been real, deep affection in the way she'd kissed Rodolphus. The little whore actually wanted them both. Well, Lord Voldemort did not play second fiddle to anyone, much less the twenty-year-old husband of a complete harlot.

So now, as he sat before an assemblage of happy-faced Death Eaters, he forced a tiny bit of energy into his voice as he handed a copy of the newspaper to Avery and barked,

Obsession Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ