wow haven't updated lmao(this is Jaylex btw)

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ree this is before Alex looses his sanity

Alex and Jay sat in Jay's living room, reviewing the script for Marble Hornets. Normally Jay loved looking over and editing things that had to do with the movie, but not today.
"Alleexxxxx I'm bored" Jay whined, pushing Alex's spinny chair slightly.
"I thought you liked looking over this stuff?" Alex said, slightly looking over at him.
"I do I'm just bored." Jay shrugged, standing up.
"Put some music on then."
Jay nodded and walked over to his radio, turning it on.
Alex groaned, smiling slightly when he heard the song get to it's chorus. "Jay, god damnit, don't you dare."
Jay grinned, ran back over and spinning Alex.
"You spin me right round, baby- right round, like a record baby-" Jay cut himself off with his laughter as Alex fell out of the chair.
Alex looked up at him from the floor, grinning. "You're an idiot."
"Yeah but I'm your idiot!"

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