helppppp [repost from my m/b]

19 6 4

hey y'all, i need some advice on something. i've been sick with a terrible cold for the past four days, and today i have a math test. my dad is letting me skip periods one and two and just go to school for the last two periods, because i still feel sick but he wants me to get the test over with. however, as grateful as i am, i don't want to do the test. i was kept up almost all night by my coughing, so along with being sick, i can barely focus. i feel like if i do the test today, i'm much more likely to make stupid mistakes and fail because i'm both sick and sleep deprived. getting it done well is much more important than getting it over with, especially since i struggled so much in math earlier this year and i'm trying to get back on track. but i'm scared to ask my dad about this because this morning he got mad at me because i said i was tired ("you shouldn't complain, you kept US up all night"). how should i approach this?

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