"Pancakes for me", Molly tells.

"And waffles for me", I tell.

"Drinks?", he asks looking back and forth between us.

"I'll get water", I say.

"Lemonade for me", Molly says not too long after.

"Was he a cutie or what?", she says when he walks away.

I laugh. "Yeah".

What's that noise? I ask myself. When Molly answers her phone I know.

"Babe we're at IHOP", I assume she's talking to Niall.

"Fine", she rolls her eyes and then hangs up.

"What did he say?", I ask.

"Niall and Harry are coming", she says looking out the window.

"You mean your fiancé?", I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

She laughs and her cheeks heat. "Yes".

"It still feels so unreal, I love him Tess, but I didn't think he loved me. But now I know. And every moment I think about him or see him, hell even if I just hear his voice I get this feeling. And I love it".

I feel warm streams coming down my face.

"Why in the hell are you crying?", she laughs.

"Honestly I have no idea, I've been weird like this lately", I say laughing.


"Yeah", I answer her.

"Are you pregnant?", she asks her eyes lighting up.

"No I can't be".

"Well if you were it would explain a lot, you've been eating a lot, your mood changes like crazy all the time, and your dress doesn't fit anymore".

There's no way I'm pregnant. Right? The doctor told me I only had a 1 percent chance years ago.

"No I'm not pregnant".

"Well after we eat I think you should go take a te-

She's cut off by Niall kissing the top of her head.

"Hey babe", Harry says.

"Hey", I say looking away.

"Are you okay?", he asks.

"Yeah I'm fine".

After we are done eating and the guys are done stealing our food we leave.

"Me and Tess are going to take care of some things", Molly tells Niall and Harry.

"Okay well we'll be home because the game is coming on later", Harry says.

"Okay, bye babe", I kiss Harry and then gets into my car.

"Okay Molly and Niall this can wait until your wedding night",I yell out the window making them break their kiss. I can see her cheeks red from all this way.

"Next stop walgreens", she says as she gets into my car.

When we get inside Molly disappears and comes back with the pregnancy test in her hand. But she has four.

"Why do you have four tests?", I say laughing.

"Two for each of us", my eyes widen.

"Wait, are you?", I say cheesing.

"I think so, that's why I asked you if you were because the same thing has been happening with me, I do have clothes at your place but they don't really fit anymore and the ones that do I can barely breath", I embrace her.

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