Chapter 8

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You woke up, slowly opening your eyes and stretching on your couch.

"Ahh, what a nice dream I was having." You sighed as you stretched off your couch and tumbled to the floor.

You stood up properly and glanced at your couch. You noticed the note that was lying on the couch and suddenly everything came back to you.

"Shit." You muttered bitterly thinking about mystery.

You came up with a simple plan. First you packed up to visit Mystery, you grabbed your bag and put in your phone, pepper spray, and some chips. You put on a c/c hoodie and grabbed your car keys and quickly shut your door and started up your car.

As you were driving to the hospital you still were wondering what you were going to do when you arrived at the hospital.

"Maybe I should of thought this "plan" out a bit more..." you muttered as you turned your car on the gravely path that you Alfred and Kao had gone on when first visiting the hospital.

You stepped out of your car and closed your car door. You checked everything in your bag and moved on the aged path.

As you were walking through the dense forest you felt tiny drops of water plop on your head.

You looked up at the sky, which had turned gray with big dark clouds slowly covering the sky.

"What perfect timing... I better hurry if I don't want to get soaked." You mumbled as you started to pick up the pace.

As you sprinted through the forest the small occasional drops of water had now turned into pounding rain making your path almost impossible to see.

The forest was starting to flood with muddy water making your steps heavy and slowed.

"Shit! Where's the path!?" You yelled as you ran through the downpour.

After running straight and making sharp turns you realized something was horribly wrong... you were lost in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by endless trees and mercilessly rain.

You stopped running and panted, your legs tired and sore from all the running, and all your clothes were soaking wet.

"F-fuck... were's my phone?" You dug around your bag to find your phone, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Fuck! Where's my phone!?" You shouted as you looked around you trying to see if your dropped your phone anywhere, but it was hopeless.

The rain was getting worse than it could be and you felt trapped in this horrible forest.

You started to walked forward thinking you could somehow get back to your car. Suddenly heard a large snapping sound and before you know it a tall huge tree was falling straight at you...

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