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s w e e t w a t e r   r i v e r 

"Fangs will give you the PG story now, he already gave me the 14+ version last night."


NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS, WOULD FANGS HAVE EXPECTED to be out at Sweetwater River at nearly midnight with a girl from the Northside. Things certainly had shifted in the weeks following Southside High's merger with Riverdale High. Even Sweet Pea had gotten a little more tolerable with having to spend the majority of his time on the Northside. They had joined the basketball team, which Fangs had also recently quit and was set to participate in the musical that was going to start soon but even still, this was a stretch.

He was sitting on a blanket he had pulled out of the back of FP's truck with a Styrofoam to-go cup from Pop's filled with a chocolate milkshake nestled into the dirt by his feet. Next to his was an identical one filled with vanilla, and then a container that had, at one point, contained fries. Eddie was standing in the banks of the river, her shoes had been kicked off a few feet before, left abandoned on the shore, the hem of her dress, just above her knees, was soaked through from the river.

Fangs sat and watched her for a moment, watching the way her skin shimmered underneath the moonlight as she stood with her back to him, her head tilted up with her eyes on the sky, her hair blowing with the breeze. Finally, he kicked his boots off of his feet, pulling his socks off and stuffing them into his boots before rolling the ends of his dress pants up as far as his knees.

Eddie turned her head to look over her shoulder when she heard him approaching, and she shot him a smile, "I was beginning to think you had a fear of water, you know."

He laughed, "More like an aversion for freezing cold water."

"Fair enough." She said softly, kicking her foot out and splashing water in front of them. As she crossed her arms gently Eddie asked him, "So Fangs... what's your biggest secret?"

"My biggest secret?" He clarified and when she nodded her head he seemed to think about it for a moment before he grinned, "I don't actually like chocolate milkshakes."

Her brow quirked, and a short but soft chuckle and questioned him, "You don't? So what's your favorite flavor?"

"Vanilla, but its boring compared to chocolate so I ordered chocolate." He told her, his cheeks flushing pink.

A laugh slipped out of Eddie's mouth and she surprised him by slipping her hand into his, tangling their fingers together. She told him, "You can have some of my shake, I'm not ashamed to admit I like vanilla."

With an eye roll Fangs let out a laugh and tugged on her hand, pulling her into him. She didn't object, instead, she wound an arm around his back and leaned into his chest, turning her head to rest her cheek against his chest as she watched the ripple of the water before them. They were quiet.

At least until Eddie told him, "Thank you for coming with me tonight. I know it's not really your thing and it was a huge ask but I just really didn't want to go alone and ending things with Joey made me realize that all of my friends were his friends and I just... that was embarrassing enough."

Fangs finally let go of her hand, only to bring his own hands up and place them on the sides of her jaw, his fingertips brushing her cheeks, and his thumbs hooked underneath her jaw to raise her eyes to his. She met his gaze with soft eyes, drawing her bottom lip between her teeth as fangs brushed his thumbs against her jaw. This was the closest, and most intimate they had ever been in the weeks they had known each other. There had always been boundaries, a line that couldn't be crossed but now that that boundary and that line were erased things could blur a little more than before.

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