Chapter Two

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I ran a hand through my hair. It wouldn't stay down so I might as well make it look purposefully messy. I usually look like a mess anyways so it didn't really matter.

It doesn't really matter how I look anyways. It's built in that Alpha's are attracted to me. I could literally wear the same clothes for a week and still get complimented as if I was a model. I might actually be on time if I just wore the same clothes for a week though.

I quickly pulled on a plain white t-shirt and jeans, a pair of black boots and the watch my mother had bought me a couple years ago. I grab my school bag, say a quick goodbye to my parents and run out the front door.

I sprint the first few blocks before slowing down. "I'm gonna have fucking detention again," I groan out. I've been late far too many times this month and had detention three times last week because of it.

"Not if you get in the car." Just my luck. I turn and my eyes meet with Reggie's, who just smirks at me. Of course it's him and not someone who hasn't been trying to get with me for well over a year. These last couple of months have been truly insufferable though. Every day, in every class and even showing up at my front door.

Somehow though, getting in the car is my best option. I'm already risking suspension if I'm late too many more times. My parents would probably be happy about that though. More chances to push me to give Hiram a chance.

"Fine," I say through gritted teeth and that makes him grin wider, tossing open the passenger door. I climb into the passenger seat and I will say that he has a really nice car.

He slams on the gas and all I can smell is his fucking cologne. Could he not wear so much of it for one day? Practically the entire school has heightened smell anyways.

My entire body tenses as I feel his hand on my thigh. I want to slap it off or just throw myself out of the car, but that would just make my life worse. I only have to survive it a little longer.

The moment he parks his car in the parking lot, I quickly climb out. "Thanks," I say quickly before trying to get inside and hoping he loses me.

It doesn't work out and he's right behind me and follows me into my first class, that may I mention, he isn't even in and sits directly next to me. Why the hell did I get in that fucking car? Should've just risked suspension.


The final bell rings and I begin the walk home. I tried to avoid Reggie and just like every other day of my life, it didn't work. He sat next to me, attempted to become my partner for a group project and practically made my life a living hell.

The people at school bend over backwards to please him. Even members of the Vixens do nothing to stop him. They just don't find it worth the effort, which is fair, but I would sure as hell appreciate it. Reggie Mantle always gets what he wants, but I will do anything I can to make sure he doesn't get me.

I hear a car behind me and it's not even a question if it's him or not. He just can't quit can he. I contemplate trying to run for it, but that's pointless and I know it. I wouldn't be surprised if he hit me with it to get me to stop running.

"Have you talked to your parents about us all having dinner together," Reggie asks and I let out a few colorful words under my breath.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot to," I lie and just hope he believes it. I then hear his car door open and glance back to see that he'd parked his car and was quickly walking so he could walk next to me. Seriously dude. Can you relax for five minutes?

"I'll just come by later and see if we can do something tonight," Reggie says and I really want to just hit him and tell him to fuck off. Sadly, if I do that, I'm fucked. It's very against all rules for an Omega to hit an Alpha.

"Well, Cheryl and I were planning to go out to that new karaoke place tonight and she hates when people cancel plans," I lied straight through my teeth. "Speaking of, I should check if she's picking me up," I add and quickly text her, making sure she'll know what I'm talking about when I call her.

The phone rings for a few seconds before she finally answers. "Are you gonna pick me up tonight," I ask, putting the phone on speaker.

"Of course," she says and I can tell just by her voice that she is trying not to laugh. I was both grateful she was playing along and that we were going out tonight now. She'd said she wanted to check it out anyways when I texted her.

I feel Reggie take my phone from me and I just ball my fists at my side, resisting every urge to lose my shit on him right now.

"You think it's fine if I tag along. All my friends are busy tonight," Reggie says and my eyes go wide. I know that's bullshit. Reggie's friends are never busy, unless you count getting drunk at his house.

She's silent for a minute and I pray that she tells him no. If she doesn't, I will hit her. She won't snitch on me for doing it. She'll probably just hit me back, a lot harder.

"I don't see why not," Cheryl says and I want to just curl up into a ball and cry. This bitch. "Both of you just need to be ready to go when I get there," she says and then hangs up.

Reggie grins at me as he hands me back my phone and I shove it in my pocket. I take him up on his offer to drive me home since I already have to go out with him tonight now. I don't say anything as I get out of the car and walk inside, still too pissed off not to say anything stupid.

I look at the dinner table and see my mother, father and as if my day wasn't already bad enough, Hiram Lodge. Why the fuck was he here? I still had time.

"How was your day dear? We're just discussing the agreement with Mr. Lodge," my mother says with a sweet smile and I try and fake one back at her.

"It was alright. I'm going out with Cheryl tonight and have to go get ready," I say and quickly begin to climb the stairs up to my room.

"Alright, but you and Hiram really do need to sit down and talk soon," my mother responds and I'm so glad they can't see how pissed I look right now.

"I promise I'll make the time for it soon, but I can't keep Cheryl waiting," I say and continue my attempt to escape this conversation.

"How about he just comes over to my place Friday night," Hiram suggest and I already know the response.

"Sounds great," I say and quickly enter my room, shutting the door behind me so I can bury my head in a pillow and scream into it.

So now I not only have to go out with Reggie tonight, but I get to spend my Friday night with Hiram. Maybe I should just throw myself out my window and hope the fall kills me.

I let out a sigh and sat up. Whatever. I've survived all this shit already. I'll get through it. Not like I have a choice anyways. 

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