Good morning to me.

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It was June 16, 2018 when my mother came into my room.

"Get up, its almost noon and we have to get to the fair!"  She slammed my door on the way out, unintentionally.

I swung my legs off the bed, groaning the whole way. I quick checked my phone and saw it read 11:53 a.m.

Then I took a moment to look at the drawing on my wall. The name written in cursive, roses around it with thorns that looked sharp enough to come off the paper and stab you.

I admired the name, thinking back to when I saw her walk through the hallway.

"Astrid" I breathed out. Closing my eyes, wishing her fragrance would flood my nostril once again.

I stood up and padded  across the cold wood floor out of my room and into my bathroom, which seemed too bright for being almost noon. I set up my music on my phone, humming along to Cuco as I undressed and turned on the shower. I stepped in, feeling the warmth cascade down my back, letting the feeling envelope me.  

The calmness of my shower was interrupted by the Harry Potter ringtone I had set for my sister. I reached my hand out of the shower and dried it on the towel hanging on the wall. Reaching over to my phone, I hesitated and debated wether I should pick it up or not. As I sat there and thought about it, I stared at the contact picture next to her name.

It was me and her and our old dog Trixie on the beach. I was wearing my old Batman swim trunks while holding my dogs leash, and she was wearing a pink with white polka dot one piece bathing suit, holding the old worn frisbee in her left hand. That was years ago when I was 9, when things between us were good and pure. When my sister was actually still my sister.

As her name faded away off of my screen, my music resumed. It filled my ears with its peaceful melodies, helping return me to my calm, relaxed state.

I turned off the water and stepped out onto the white wool bathmat, grabbing my towel and drying off before heading to my bedroom to get ready for my day.

I grabbed my all black Jansport backpack, putting sunblock, water, sunglasses, hand wipes, deodorant and some gum in it. I thought since it was state fair, I should wear something nice, something that was family friendly. Instead I decided I would wear some khaki shorts and a blue t-shirt that read "my magic crystal ball says you're full of shįt" and finally tying my outfit together with some old blue vans I had gotten the year before.

I walked downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen brushing out my little sister Hannahs long golden brown hair. She looked up at me with her dark brown eyes and smiled, around her mouth still stained with the red popsicle she had been eating earlier.

"Mom, let me take her to finish getting ready, so you can get ready too" I said grabbing my sisters hand as my mom handed me the brush.

"Oh thank you so much. I don't know what's gotten into you today, but I like it" My mom giggled as she walked out of the room. I guided my sister to the sink and asked her how her morning had been so far. She was only five, so her answer consisted of telling me about her popsicle and what episode of spongebob she watched when she woke up.

I wet a washcloth and lightly wiped her face, removing the sticky redness around her mouth. She beamed up at me and ran away, hiding from me.

Man I hate mornings in this house.

I trudged around the house aimlessly searching for the tiny human I must say I'm related to. I love her to death but sometimes she finds my last nerve and sets up camp on it. I searched all her favorite hiding spots, under the table, in the hall closet, behind the couch and even in the linen cabinet in the back of the house.


My mom yelled out of her room to me that she would be ready in five and to please have Hannah ready. I ran around the house tearing it apart, finally finding her hiding under the sink in the bathroom.

"Aw man you found me. Was I a good hider this time C?" She asked as she climbed out of the tiny space.

"The best Han. Now look, mom says we have to be ready in five whole minutes. That's not a long time. Do you think we can be speedy and be ready in five?" I questioned looking into her eyes, hoping that today she would be cooperative.

She tilted her head back and opened her mouth, letting out the loudest scream I have ever heard come from such a small living thing. She smiled at me afterwards, daring me to move. I rushed towards her, reaching for her in hopes to grab her and sit her down to finis brushing her hair.

As I leaned forward, reaching for her, she crouched down and ran in between my legs; laughing devilishly the whole way down the hallway. I turned to see her at the top of the stairs. She stuck her tongue out at me, messed up her hair and ran down the stairs.

Like I said, I hate mornings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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