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Intro begins

In the hill overlooking Vale there meditating is the young Gray Jedi Y/n. As he is one with the Force and soon in a vision that the Force gave him was one who has white skin and dark and red eyes with a sinister smile as he open his eyes. Though a hand was placed on his shoulder for comfort as he looks at its owner his e/c eyes meet his partner as she smiled and the rest of the team arrives. As Y/n look over the city and knew that he must not let evil triumph.

Next it changes to Y/n in his armor with his two lighsabers light. As behind him is a white fang hideout in blazes and the corpses of those who stood in his way.

Then is shows Y/n shooting his blaster at a group of bandits while behind him was a village he swore to protect. While in the forest a women with a Grimm mask but under it her red eyes were anger. The woman and Y/n charged at one another with their weapons raised.

It next shows Y/n being surrounded by Grimm. Then he charged his force lighting in his arms which is goes to Max. As he floats in the air and releases the power as it vaporized all the Grimm.

Last it shows Y/n and his team in his ship as the symbol of the gray Jedi appear in front of the broken moon. As his voice was heard saying.

"There is no good without evil. But evil must not be allowed to flourish."

Intro ends.

As Y/n and BB were flying down towards the planet to check the ship for any damages. Since the shields did hold out there might be a bit of internal or external damage.

After they found a good place to land on the planet. Y/n let out a sigh of relief as he went to the cargo hold to get his tools as BB went to check the weapons and other systems. To see if there is any damage to them.

Y/n went to the Ion engines in the lower haul as well checked the hyperspace drive. A few minutes of analysing the parts and running a diagnoses on the hyperdrive it all seem to be okay.

Y/n:Alright everything seems to be good. No damage to the engines and the hyperdrive. Thank the Force if it was we would be in trouble. Still I don't remember hearing about a planet like this. Maybe I went to the unknown regions or wild space. Well this planet I can sense is strong in the force but as well smoothing else feels different from the others. Oh well I can check on it later. Now I need to check on BB.

As Y/n went back up to check on BB how the systems are he put away the tools and check his stock piles to see if there was a threat of anything setting off. Since he doesn't want any explosives going off and destroying his ship. A sigh of relief came over him as there was no threat of exploding.

He returned to the flight deck where BB was in a router.

Y/n: Hey BB, is everything in order.

BB whistle sand chirps cheerfully giving Y/n good news. As he understood that none of the systems weren't damage or corrupted.

Y/n: That's a sign of relief. So BB do you know which planet are we in?

BB gave a few chirps and scrambling sounds.

Y/n: So we are not anywhere we know of and maybe we are in another galaxy right?

BB chirp to confirm his guess.

Y/n:So what in the kriefffs name did we pass through the.....

Then Y/n remember how during the hyperspace jump where a unknown anomaly was there.

Y/n: Uh. Nevermind. Guess that weird event we experience during the jump brought us here. Wait how do you know that we aren't in the unknown regions or wild space. That we are in another galaxy?

BB whistles and swirls it's head as Y/n was paying close attention to his little friend. After minute Y/n just replied.

Y/n:Well that makes sense then. And from the scans of the ship confirm it. We are nowhere recognizable. That and it doesn't match the galactic map.

Y/n: So BB let's see is there is anything on this planet.

BB gave a whistle and with went off to try and find out more. As Y/n went to the monitor as he is ready to find answers.

Two hours later

Y/n was now in the lounge enjoying a meal after his search yielded results. Luckily he was able to get in their internet as they called it and seems that they have landed on a word called remnant. Where human live there which shocked him as well learning about the Faunus and it angers him how, they get treated like second class citizens.

As well how corrupt their councils and how corporate have influence the politics. Eben allowing slavery and illegal trafficking to take place if the right amount of bribes where paid.

During his research he soon learn of the white fang and how they fell from a group who protest. To a terrorist organization hurting innocents both human and faunus.

Y/n: Damn it. It's the clone wars all over again. Guess where ever you go there will always be the same evils.

Though what has him for a loop was the Grimm and Huntsman as well dust in the kingdoms. Since when he found out about them. How the people who were close to extinction were crammed into the kingdoms where only one had a standing military. Which in his mind was dumb and how each one should have a military ready to go on the defense or offense. While the villages that are from the outside aren't defended and are left to fend for themselves.

Anyway learning how the Grimm were soulless creatures of darkness who many don't have a idea how they arrived to the world. Which made him think, of not what brought time here but it could be who.

Still the creatures seem to be a threat to them. But for a Gray Jedi like Y/n it won't be much since his weapon might be able to take them down easily. When he risen about huntsman and aura,semblance. It was kinda like the Jedi or Sith. But the Force is more than any semblance can do since it is a power for each person while aura is a shield against the weapons which uses dust.

A element which they use very much everyday life. Though the elements they come in made Y/n think could they work in another ways. Food for though still the weapons they use seem to focus solely on slugthrowers,rockest and other weapons. But nothing close to blasters.

After learning all he can and now arriving back to our Jedi finishing his meal as he just looks on staring.

Y/n: Me arriving on this world is no coincidence. That I am sure. After learning everything I can. I now know for sure the Force has lead me here to do what I must do.

As he said those words he got up and went off to return to his pilot seat but before he did he told BB.

Y/n:BB have all systems ready to go.

BB chips and beeps as he does what Y/n says.

Y/n: Guess it's time to fight in another battle.*sigh* The life of a Gray Jedi is full of surprises.

As he finish saying his sentence he soon sat done and crossed his legs and closed his eyes. He began to say the code he took to heart.

"There is no Dark Side, not a Light Side
There is only the Force
I will do what I must to keep the balance
The balance is what keeps me together
There is no good without evil,but evil must not be allowed to flourish
There is Passion, Yet emotion
Serenity, Yet peace
Chaos,Yet order
I am the wielder of the flame, the protector of balance
I am holder of the torch,lighting the way
I am the keeper of the flame,soldier of balance
I am the Guardian of Balance
I am a Gray Jedi"

Now a new chapter in his sorry will begin. Where the young Gray Jedi will soon be a name feared and respected in remnant.

The Gray Jedi of Remnant Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum