Chapter 02

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• • • Peter's POV • • •

  I inhaled a sharp breath as my eyes widened. I jumped up to my feet and took off in a sprint towards Thanos. I jumped up on his back, sporadically crawling all over him in order to buy the others some valuable time. During this time, the man, who was specifically bitter and angry with Thanos for killing his girlfriend, was attempting to help up Tony. Tony pushed himself up to his feet, his armor terribly damaged and he just genuinely looked like hell. Then again, we all did.

  Finally, Thanos had enough and threw me off of him, where my back slammed into the rocky surface of the planet, knocking the air out of my lungs. I took deeper breaths in order to fill them again. Then I began pushing myself to my feet. My vision was a blurry mess of colors and vague fuzzy shapes. Along with that, I momentarily lost hearing and could only hear an ear-splitting ringing noise. I winced and felt hot blood drip from my nose along with a gash that just appeared on the back of my head.

  As my vision settled, my eyes locked on the only thing I was worried about at the moment. Thanos. He laughed and was ridiculing us before vanishing into thin air. With the stones.

"Kid?!" Tony's voice was the first thing I heard. I gritted my teeth to cope with the pain. I blinked again and Tony was in front of me with an extremely worried expression across his face.

"Mr. Stark...?" I mumbled, my mouth dripping blood as I spoke. Like, a lot of blood.

"Shit... Strange!" Tony yelled as the wizard appeared next to him in the blink of an eye. His eyes remained so calm, giving me the inference that he did something that dealt with emergencies. His ability to remain calm, especially in a time like this, was truly admirable. And it wasn't something that many people possessed.

My eyes blinked slowly as they tried to sit me down. I shook my head and (somehow) managed to shove them off of me. Strange blinked before sighing, examining me before nodding.

"He's okay. Just a little beat up on," Strange assured Tony, who slowly nodded as I looked down to the stone-like ground and spit, my blood and saliva mixing on the ground.

Tony and Strange left to go check up on everyone else. I carefully allowed my back to rest against the side of a rock formation as I gasped in order to breathe. My knees were shaking as I held onto a ridge of the formation in order to keep myself standing.

My eyes drifted over everything before me. It was hell. Truly. The crew of misfits seemed to be alive, but barely holding themselves together. I exhaled a shaky sigh. I rested my head back against the formation and looked at the purple and green sky. Then my mind began to wander.

(Y/N). Oh God, what did I leave her with? I just up and decided to go to space and she's probably worried. No, wait, she's definitely worried. And she probably also doesn't know anything. That's something Natasha would do. Ned and MJ. Shit. How was I supposed to explain this to the two of them once I went back?

My mind got stuck on the deal I had made with Tony and Natasha. Their month was almost up. They had to explain to (Y/N) what she was capable of. And soon. But who knows if they were even going to keep their promise.

I didn't have much time to think until I let out a sharp gasp, my knees buckling as I crashed onto them. It felt as if someone had filled my body with rocks. Then, a second later, I felt light as air. It went back and forth between the two feelings. My heart began racing in my chest as I began losing vision. What the hell is going on?

"Mr. Stark!" I screamed, my organs burning up, as if they were beginning to sweat. Then they'd become cold as ice. And it just swapped back and forth between the two temperatures at a rapid pace.

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