"Quiet down Smith or you'll wake her up." I whisper at him. He sighs and walks to the other side of the bed, playing with his girlfriends' hair.

"I should have known she'd be here." He mutters to himself. Gently he sits down beside her sleeping from. Keya rolls over, wrapping her arms around one of his thighs and snuggling into him. He smiles down at her sleeping form. Now untangled from Keya, I sit up and massage my temples, willing the now growing headache to go away. After a couple moments of silence, mulling over the dream in my head, I decide to speak.

"Brett," I use his first name, getting his attention swiftly, "I think I'm seeing Giovanni's memories."

"Why would you be?" He asks, not questioning how weird I am anymore. "You only just recently met the guy."

"I don't know." I tell him honestly. Brett looks worried and is about to say something but is cut off by Star's yipping. We both stand, him having more trouble than me, and follow Star's yipping. When we get there my eyes instantly land on the glowing stone on the book. I come closer to see it's the green stone. The stone itself is a light green with darker and lighter flecks of green floating in it.

"If these are tests, what does this mean?" Brett asks as he looks at me.

"I've got no idea." I mutter with a sigh. My phone starts to go off in my pocket. I answer the phone and put it on speaker. Again, I still don't try to understand how my phone is working, just going along with it.

"Wynnona?" I hear Giovanni's voice ask.

"Hey. What's up?" I answer, looking at Brett.

"If I send you a set of coordinates will you be able to follow them?" He asks again.

"We should be able to, why?" I ask, growing sceptical.

"I think it would be good for the Allies to meet their greatest hope at liberation." He explains. "I also think there are some things we need to talk about." I nod along with him as something dings on the control panel.

"Sounds okay to me. We'll meet you there." I tell him and hang up.

"So, you're in contact with Giovanni?" I can hear the teasing manner in Brett's voice.

"Don't start. One, he's gay. Two, he's engaged to that Jake guy." I sit down in one of the seats and start maneuvering the ship to follow the coordinates Giovanni sent over. "Three, no one wants to be with me romantically." Brett sighs as he sits beside me, lifting Star out of the seat as he does.

"You know, dad used to say the same thing before he started dating papa." Brett tells me. His blue eyes have a far away look to them. My heart stings as I let out a sigh remembering the amazing men who raised me, us.

"I've always taken after him, haven't I?" I ask Brett with a soft smile. He laughs softly and smiles as well.

"You have. Just as stubborn and just as loving." There is a moment of silence between the two of us. Tears sting my eyes.

"I miss them." I whisper, the tears escaping. Brett stands up and hugs me, tears falling down his cheeks as well.

"I do too Wyatt, I do too." We stand there, holding each other as we cry softly until I feel slim arms wrap around my waist.

"Morning you two." Keya says, kissing my cheek and pecking Brett's lips. She has somehow managed to sandwich herself between Brett and me.

"There is a kitchen through the first door to the left. There is some food in my bag." I tell her, knowing she will be hungry. Her eye light up and she smiles. Brett kisses my forehead and takes Keya's hand as they head for the kitchen. I sit and stare at the galaxy moving around me as we travel. I feel at peace as I watch, Star jumping up into my lap. Keya comes and sits in the seat beside me, bowl in hand. She has changed into one of Brett's hoodies and jeans.

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