Gay Crayons and Ice Cream

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"Johnny? Johnny, come here!" called Nick. His boyfriend of two years headed upstairs to see what he wanted. He stopped in the doorway of their bedroom. "Nick? What's up?" he asked. Nick blushed slightly and moved to show Johnny a rainbow heart made out of crayons. Beneath it he'd written their names. Johnny's heart melted. "Aww, baby, come here." he said, pulling Nick close and kissing him. "Did you actually buy crayons just to make this?" Nick nodded. "What were you doing before you came up here?" he asked. Johnny laughed. "I was eating ice cream." he said. Nick lifted his head. "Chocolate chip?" he asked, sounding adorable. Johnny smiled and nodded. "You want to go down and share it with me, Nicky?"

"Yeah." said Nick, nodding. Johnny picked him up to carry him downstairs. Nick squeaked slightly. "I'll hurt you." he said worriedly. "Oh shut up." Johnny took him downstairs and put him down on the couch. They ate ice cream from the tub and cuddled.

"I love you." said Nick. Johnny kissed his forehead. "Love you too, baby."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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