Chapter 1

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Hermione Malfoy was sitting in the World Trade Center. It  was September 11th 2001. Draco Malfoy, was sitting in his apartment,  with his son Scorpios Prince Malfoy. Hermione and Draco's son. He was  the perfect combination of Hermione and Draco, his hair was a silver  blond, and was wavey like Hermione's. His skin was pale like his  fathers, but he had his mothers eyes. Perfect.

  "Come on little  man" Draco cooed at his little boy, "Lets go" He cooed, lifting him up  as he laid his head on his shoulder. He was a daddy's little man, and a  momma's boy.

  Draco walked to the living with Scorpios in his  arms. He laid him down in his play pen and turned on the T.V. Draco and  Hermione had been living in the Muggle World since they got married.  Today Hermione was at a meeting. And everything was perfect. Draco  remembered every single detail about the meeting she told him. Floor 44.  North tower. Starting at 8:50am till 12pm. Discussing things Draco  could not be told. It was now 8:30am.

  He turned to his son and  watched him play with his magical toy dragon. He smiled, he walked to  the kitchen and opened the fridge. Hermione had prepared  bottles, for  Scorpios.

  He walked back to the living room and gave Scorpios the bottle. He instantly started drinking it.

  "Not so fast baby" Draco cooed, stroking his silver locks.

   A loud piercing scream was heard and Draco jumped up instantly. Draco  looked around then someone knocked on the door. Draco ran to it, and  flung it open. Something kept telling him that something was wrong,  something was happening.

  "Draco!" Ms.Bell cried, "The Twin Towers" She cried.

  Draco looked confused, tilting his head. Ms.Bell was crying, she was pale like she saw a ghost. And it was horrible.

   Draco ran to the window, his gut telling him to do so. He looked at  the Twin Towers across the town and saw the most terrifying thing he has  ever witnessed. The North Tower was in flames. He instantly ran to the  phone and dialed his wife's number.

Please pick up, please. Pick up Hermione.

  "Hello?" A voice asked

  "Hermione" Draco breathed

  "Draco I'm at-"

  "I need you to come home, please" He said, tears filling his eyes.

  "Draco I heard what happened. They just said that there was a short power outage. I need to-"

"Hermione, listen to me.... It wasn't a power outage. Someone crashed a plane into the North Tower. Please get out of there,"

"Draco- I can't-"

"The bloody tower is in flames, Hermione please get out of there" Draco pleaded.

  "I'm sorry" Hermione said distantly, "Look I'll try to get out, but I'm not suppose to be on-" And the line went dead

   "Shit!" Draco muttered, as he finally tuned in on the atmosphere  around him. His son was crying and Ms.Bell wasn't there anymore.

   He ran over to his son and picked him up, and ran out of the door.  Running down the hall, he ran to the young couple, Harold and Jamie.

  Harold answered the door, "Draco, I heard, that your-" 

      "Harold, I need you to watch Scorpios" Draco panted.

       Harold took ahold of Scorpios as Draco dashed out of the building  running to the World Trade Center. People were watching in horror as  another plane collided into the tower.

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