Chapter Four

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Edward and Harry woke early the next morning and headed down to breakfast. Then everyone took their trunks and the pets (with Shadow and Crookshanks spitting at each other) out to the front, where three old-fashioned cars were waiting for them. Each of them were driven by wizards wearing emerald velvet suits.

Mr. Weasley, Harry, Edward, Ron, and Hermione took one car; Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, Topaz, and Onyx sat in the second; and Percy, Ginny, and Ruby piled into the third. Once everyone and their luggage were packed into the cars, they all drove off.

They reached King's Cross Station with twenty minutes to eleven. The three Ministry drivers unloaded their trunks and pet cages, saluted Mr. Weasley (and Edward, which made him flush), and left, leaving them to rush to the barrier.

"Right then," said Mr. Weasley. "Let's do this in pairs, since there are so many of us. I'll go through first with Harry."

"And I'll go next with Eddy," said Ruby at once. Edward chuckled as she turned bright red.

The year before, Edward, Harry, and Ron hadn't gotten through the barrier. This time, the barrier let them through, and soon the ten of them were among the crowd around the Hogwarts Express.

"Ah, there's Penelope!" said Percy suddenly, and he strode over. Fred, George, and Ruby looked both disappointed and amused; Percy had washed the 'Big' off of the beginning of 'Head' that morning.

They went to the end of the train, and Edward and Percy helped the adults load the trunks onto the train. When they'd finished, Mrs. Weasley kissed her children, the triplets (Onyx turned red, but Ruby looked delighted, and Topaz had tears in his eyes), Hermione, and finally Edward and Harry. Then she gave Harry and extra hug.

"Do take care, won't you, Harry?" she said, and gave Edward a sharp look. He knew she was telling him to protect his brother and he nodded slightly. She blinked and then opend her handbag. "I've made you all sandwiches... Here you are, Ron... no, they're not corned beef.... Fred? Where's Fred? Here you are, dear...."

"Harry," Edward heard Mr. Weasley murmur to his brother, "come over here a moment."

"If you're going to tell him about Black," Edward whispered back, and Mr. Weasley jumped, "he knows."

"You told him?"

"No, I overheard you arguing with Mrs. Weasley last night," Harry said quietly. Mr. Weasley frowned.

"You should be more careful where you say things like that," said Edward calmly.

"That's not the way I'd have chosen for you to find out," said Mr. Weasley with a sigh.

"No -- honestly, it's okay," said Harry. "This way, you haven't broken your word to Fudge and I know what's going on."

"Harry, you must be very scared-"

"I'm not," Harry responded. "Edward dueled You-Know-Who last year, remember? He can take Black."

Edward rolled his eyes. "I dueled the sixteen-year-old You-Know-Who, whereas Black is thirty-seven and is insane. And I didn't actually defeat You-Know-Who, he was distracted when you killed the snake."

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley said sharply, and they all jumped. "What are you doing? It's about to go!"

"In a minute, Molly," said Mr. Weasley quickly, and spoke in a much quieter voice. "Harry, I want you to give me your word-"

"That I'll be a good boy and stay in the castle?" Harry asked flatly.

"Let him finish, Harry," Edward said sternly.

Marauders' Godson Book 3: Prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now