Poetry Collection - 1

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Emma knows addiction,

Before her ABCs

The bills aren’t paid,

Only her father’s veins

There’s no dinner,

Only the addiction is fed

They now sleep on the streets,

But it’s not a home

The teachers wonder,

Why she’s so quiet

She likes school more than others,

The adults don’t smell like cigarettes

She dreams of a day,

Where she’ll be free

No more nights spent in fear,

Of her father’s fists

She’ll marry a prince,

The only bruises he will leave

Will be the ones from kisses,

Like she sees on TV

She doesn’t care what she will become,

Doctor or nurse it’s all the same

As long as there’s no addiction,

Running through her veins

‘One day it will change!’

Her father lies

His veins laugh every time he says it,

They know their grip is too tight

Her mother hates him,

And his family too

She tells him every night,

And then it begins

Bruises the next morning,

Tell the story

The makeup covers the marks,

But not the scars

But she’s just a hypocrite,

Because she’s got an addiction as well

She puts the poison to her lips,

And everything’s better

The social worker’s knocks,

Are drowned by her bottled friend

Her family wonders why she stays,

Why his grip on her is so tight

But that’s the thing about addiction,

There’s no logic or reasoning


Emma’s older now,

Approaching her graduation

She’s broken so many promises,

To that little girl

‘It’s only a bit of weed!’

She tells herself but it’s a lie

Because deep down her knows it’s an addiction,

Controlling her life

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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