Met Gala

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Gaga sat in the limo, trying to stop the butterflies in her stomach. She wasn't nervous about her performance. No, she was past that point in her life. She was nervous to see him.
She hadn't seen him in over a month. She barely heard from him. It was like he suddenly shut her out of his life. Like she never had a place there to begin with.
The cameras were already flashing as she stepped out of the car. Her insecurities and emotions were carefully buried as she put on her masquerade. It was scary how easily she could transform from Stefani to Gaga now. How easily she could perform when her heart felt so hurt.
Throughout the red carpet performance, she found herself searching for him. After every costume change, she would look to the crowd, her eyes searching for his.
He was on the list. She had seen his name. He should be here.
She felt as if she were performing for him.
Even if he wasn't there to see it.
"He isnt here yet."
She looks over to see Sarah, her makeup artist. She hands Gaga a water bottle as they get escorted into the museum.
"That obvious?" she asks quietly. She hated looking so desperate.
"No. But I know you." she replies to Gaga with a gentle smile.
"He isn't here yet but if I hear of his arrival I will let you know." she tells Gaga, reassuring her.
"We know you miss him. We all do." she adds sadly. Gaga smiles tightly and nods.
"Hey." Sarah says, stopping her by grabbing both of her shoulders.
"This is your night. Yours. Now stop worrying about him and show the world what you can do."
Gaga smiles widely and pulls Sarah in for a hug.
"Thank you, darling." Gaga says softly as she releases her.
"Go on, now. Host the fucking Gala!"

Gaga was used to being the center of attention. The spotlight on her, every eye on the room watching her every move. She liked it. She put on a show for people and she was good at it.
But this time, things were different. This time the spotlight seemed too bright. She could hardly see anyone in the audience.
She wishes she could see the audience so she could look for him. But she put on a show anyways, because that was her job.
The mix of flashing lights and shouting and applause all night had given her a dull headache. As she walked off stage, she looked to her crew for some water.
"Bobby, you have medication for my head?" Gaga asks, walking up to him. Everyone had been giving her strange looks ever since she got off the stage.
"Uh, there might be some in your dressing room." he says with the same look everyone else wore.
"Uh, alright." she says hesitantly, gazing at him curiously.
She carefully makes her way towards her dressing room, careful not to lose her balance in her ten inch heels. She would surely break her ankle of she were to fall.
Sarah stood outside of Gaga's dressing room, her face lighting up when she spots Gaga.
"Ah, finally. You're here." Sarah says, rushing to Gaga and grabbing her hands.
"What's going on? Everyone's been giving me weird looks since I got off stage. Did I do something or mess up-"
"I have a surprise for you." she interrupts her, ignoring her comment.
"You know I don't like surprises." Gaga says with a warning tone.
"Oh, but you'll like this one. A lot." she responds as she pulls her towards her dressing room.
"Go in." she says, nudging Gaga in the direction of her dressing room. Gaga gives her a look and sighs before opening her dressing room. She steps inside, looking for her surprise, when the door shuts behind her and arms wrap around her waist.
At first she tensed up, not knowing who it was. But his scent quickly washed over her and calmed her. She knew the scent like she knew the back of her hand.
"Guess who." he says quietly.
"Bradley." she says happily as she turns in his arms to hug him.
"God, I've missed you." he tells her.
"You have?" she asks, pulling away from him.
"Of course I have."
She studies his face, analyzing every little movement. With her heels, she was just about eye level with him.
"You don't believe me?" he asks with surprise.
"I...its's been a while since we have talked. I just...I don't know." she says, shaking her head.
"No, what? What is it?" he asks with worry on his face.
The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.
"Its stupid. Just forget it."
"Stef." he says, grabbing one of her hands.
"I thought it was just a phase. Our friendship. It's okay, I guess I'm used to it by now." she says, stepping away from him and sliding her hand out of his.
"You thought that our friendship was a phase to me? That I got tired of you?" he asks, following her further into her dressing room.
"You stopped texting me, stopped calling me, I hadn't seen you in a bit and I-"
"Just because I stop talking to you doesn't mean I don't think about you. I was just trying to..." he stops himself, looking into her eyes.
He suddenly realizes how close they are to each other and how little clothing is on her body.
Only a bra and spanks with some fishnets. She was quite honestly the sexiest woman Bradley had ever seen. She had this danger about her that really turned him on whenever he was around her.
"B." she giggles when she notices that he had been staring at her body for so long.
He quickly looks up and blushes before taking a small step away from her.
"Sorry. I just...I really did miss you." he says with an awkward laugh.
"I know." she says, taking a step towards him.
Part of her had forgotten the shoes she was wearing, resulting in a slightly twisted ankle and a loud gasp as she began to plummet to the ground.
Bradley effortlessly caught her and held her up while smiling at her.
"This is all a bit cliche." he says with a smirk. Stefani laughs and rolls her eyes as she steadies herself.
"Will you just help me get these off?" she asks.
He kneels down in front of her, glancing up at her before focusing on removing her shoes.
As soon as the first shoe is removed, Stefani places her foot flat on the ground, sighing with relief. Her hand holds Bradley's shoulder for balance as he begins to remove the last shoe.
Their eyes meet as he slowly pulls the shoe off, his hand remaining on her calf even after the shoe is off.
"I..." she stutters when she feels his fingers slowly graze a trail up her calf.
His head was dangerously close to her. So close that she could feel the tips of his soft hair against her belly.
"Beautiful." he whispers, his hand gripping her thigh.
He looks up at her through his thick lashes and gently presses his lips against her stomach. Her eyes flutter shut as she lets out a soft breath.
"What're we doing?" she asks, stepping away from him.
"What're you doing?" she asks, her voice sounding as if she might cry.
"I-Im sorry." he apologizes quickly.
"I thought you wanted-"
"You have a girlfriend, B. And a child. Don't do this to me. Don't lead me on. I don't want to get hurt." she says, tears now running down her cheeks.
"We broke up." Bradley says, standing up.
"Me and Irina. We broke up."
She looks at him with disbelief.
"She made me choose. Her...or you." he answers simply.
"Me?" she asks, her voice barely audible.
"You. It's always been you." he says, his hands reaching out to hold her.
"But...but all those nights and days filming...everytime you told everyone it was just acting-"
"Those days were hard for me. Everything was confusing. I was trying not to hurt anyone-"
"You hurt me. When you shut me out. You hurt me." she tells him, trying to hold up her brave face.
"Damnit, will you just kiss me already?" she shouts at him.
Within that same second, his lips were latched onto hers, their hands grabbing at each other.
Her legs wrapped around his waist as he gently slammed her against the wall. Chills rose around her body as his lips began kissing her neck.
"Bradley." she moans, her nails scratching at his back, trying to get the fabric off of his body.
He quickly set her down and stepped back only to grab her spanks and pull them off of her body. He smirks and looks up at her with one eyebrow raised when he discovers the hole in her fishnets, leaving her feminine parts out in the open.
"Easy access." she says with the same smile.
"For who?" he asks curiously, knowing they both had no idea this was how the night would end.
"I was planning on giving myself a 'job well done' after the event tonight." she explains.
The image of Stefani pleasuring herself flashed across Bradley's mind and whatever ounce of control he had left had disappeared.
"Allow me."

Their sweaty bodies lay on the ground of her dressing room, legs intertwined, her head resting on his chest. His fingers lazily trace shapes on her bare back.
"Holy shit." he breathes out with a light laugh.
"Way better than when we used to do this in front of the cameras." she replies.
Before they can bask in their nakedness for too long, a knock sounded on the door.
Stefani looks up at Bradley with fear, both of them crashing back to reality. It was reckless of them to be so loud when there was so much paparazzi around.
"Gaga, you need to be out within the next five minutes." Sarah calls out to her through the door.
"Alright, I'll be out." Stefani calls back, already standing up to dress herself again.
"Meet me after the show?" she asks as she slides her shoes back onto her feet.
"Of course."
She smiles and begins walking to the door.
"Hey." he says before she can open the door.
"What?" she asks, turning around to look at him curiously. A soft smile stretched across his face.
"I just wanted to get another look at you."
She smiles widely and lifts her chin up, running her pointer finger down the middle of her face. Such a small movement made both of their hearts swell.
He quickly moved to capture her lips with his own, pulling away only slightly to whisper to her.
"You come back to me, okay?"
She nods, her eyes still closed from their kiss. Her reply was barely above a whisper, her emotions making her throat thick.

I know it was sorta short but I just cant stop thinking about how Bradley didnt even show up to the gala. I like to think that this is how things would have been if he did show up. Hope you guys liked it! xxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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