The next few days consisted of fighting techniques and basic survival skills. We all woke up at dawn and didn’t stop till sunset. The second week consisted of multiple simulations and workouts. It helped them with quick thinking. I won’t be able to watch all of them. They’ll need to make decisions on their own. Even the hard ones.

General Dalch watched it all. He kept getting that gleam in his eyes. I don’t know if it’s good that he knows how I’ve been trained but nothing I can really do. It’s not like all my techniques were revealed. Thankfully I had Gale and since he’s been through the same thing, we were able to split them into groups and be able to focus on everyone individually. Recently though, General Dalch has kept giving me looks. I don’t know what they are and I don’t want to find out.

Two weeks have gone by now and tomorrow is the first day when the men go out into the wild and survive. I’ve put together a plan on what to do each day and put different people’s weaknesses together. My team won’t be together. They already know how to work together. They need to be split up. They need to learn to work with the others, even if they are more capable than the others.

It’s late at night and I’m going to need to get some rest soon otherwise I won’t to be able to really pay attention tomorrow. Everyone should be asleep. I let them go rest today, letting their bodies relax before it all really begins. A knock at the door makes me look up and I see the least person I want to see. Robert grins at me and comes in without my invitation. He sits on my desk and looks at me.

“Yes Mr. Palinski?” I ask.

“Why are you still up Anna?” He asks.

I narrow my eyes at him. “It’s General Berndt. And to answer your question, I’m preparing for tomorrow.” I say coldly.

“You really think they’re ready Anna?”

I sigh. “What do you want Robert?” I ask.

He grins and leans closer to me. “I want your help with something.”

“And what could you possibly need my help with? I’m sure you’re capable of doing it yourself.”

“Not necessarily. I need a Generals opinion.”

“And why not ask General Dalch?”

“He’s busy.” Robert just shrugs.

I don’t trust it. But it’s not like he can do much here anyways.

“Alright. What do you need?” I ask.

“I need you to look at the information we gathered from the French. You do need to make a game plan for the upcoming mission.”

“I have an idea but if you have some useful information, I wouldn’t object.” I say.

His smile widens. “Perfect! Let’s go now.”

He walks out and I follow, locking the door on the way out. Never can be too careful. He leads me down a set of stairs and many hallways till we end up in a small office with only a desk with a chair and folders on the desk. Well this place hasn’t been used in a long time so I shouldn’t be surprised by the lack of décor. Robert shuts the door and locks it. I look at him questioningly.

“For privacy. Don’t need anyone disturbing us.” He says. Very creepily, I might add.

I shrug and look back at the desk. I grab the closest folder to me and open it up. Shivers go down my back when I find a picture of someone and all the data collected on them. The thing that made me on guard was that the person is me. I drop the folder and turn around just in time to see Robert right in front of me. He pins me to the desk, him hovering over me. I tried to get out but somehow he was able to keep me down. That should be almost impossible. I look up at him with a glare as he just smirks at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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