Chapter 20: Happy Endings To All

Start from the beginning

"I'm so exhausted." I said.

"I know, you get some rest I'll watch over her and take care of her if she wakes up."

"Are you sure? I can stay awake in case she wakes up and she wants me."

"No it's okay I got it, plus I could use some bonding time with her...she is a baby Alice, if she's crying I know she's either hungry or needs to be changed. I got this, you get some rest, okay?"


I slept for a good 5 hours and I woke up to him singing to Star very off key, but as far as I could tell she was loving and had no complaints, she was so quiet.

I watched as he rocked her side to side while he sung to her. He is going to make such a good father.


The Next Day

"Yeah Alex, I'm ready, come on over."

"Okay so you have her things the bottles that I already pre-made for her?"

She's breastfed by the way. I couldn't take my baby drinking that formulated milk. So I decided to breastfeed her.

"Yes I have everything, honey — she's going to be fine she's going to be with her father."

"I know just checking and making sure you gave everything ready."

"Yes I do."

"Okay, perfect."

Alex arrives at the door I have Star in my arms and I place her gently in her car seat and hand her to Alex. Along with her baby bag that gas everything else she will need in there.

"I already fed her Alex, she has already been burped and changed, me and Colin just finished giving her a little wash up too, so she should be good for another hour. And the nurses taught you how to change her right?"

"Yes Alice, everything will be fine I am her father you know."

"Watch out for her belly button, you have to be really careful, oh and be careful with her head — and —."

"Alice! — I got it. It going to be fine. Okay?"

Colin chuckles as I have a hard time letting my newborn baby out of my site with anyone, as I should. But even I begin to chuckle a little.

"Okay, you're right. I'll see you when tonight right."

"Yes, 6 hours from now."

I say as he walks away.

I wave bye and I wait until I can't see him anymore then I waited some more to close the door, when I do, I turn around and I see Colin on one knee, and j automatically begin to cry. The ring is so beautiful. My heart drops and tears just stroll down my face.

"Yes, yes, yes I will!"

"I haven't asked you yet, allow me to ask you first."

He says as he laughs and I laugh for interrupting him.

"Alice, you are my world, you are my light, you loved me enough to choose me when you could have chosen anyone, you allowed me into your heart and soul and you have made me the happiest man alive, I am so glad I will get to raise our daughter together and be able to tell her and shod her how much she is loved, I want to spend the rest of my life with, grow old with you and lose our hearing together — will you do me the tremendous honor of marrying me?"

"Yes, yessss!!"

The he slips the ring on my finger — did I say it was beautiful — if not — it's beautiful!!!

"I love you Colin!"

"I love you too Alice, so much."

"So that's what you and Alex were shaking hands on yesterday?!"

"Yes, you got me."

"Ready to spend the rest of your life with me?" Colin says.

"Bring it on. I was born ready!"


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