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Hennessie's P.O.V.

I followed Murr into the kitchen, which was connected to the family room. Unlike our house, a door didn't separate the two rooms. The sound of my brothers high pitched laughter echoed throughout the long hall. His laugh filled my ears and brought a smile to my lips. When I walked into the room, it fell into dead silence. Joe and Alex looked up at me and smiled. Brian and Sal had straight faces as their eyes focused on the ground. It seemed as if they were completely consumed by their thoughts. Slowly, I peeled my eyes off of the seemingly uncomfortable scene before me. I then looked up and over my shoulder at Murr who was frozen with a confused look masking his face. I silently pleaded with him, hoping he'd let me be the one to tell them that I knew.
As if hearing the plea he nodded and smiled. I wasn't just going to stand here and let Sal and Brian go through this moment alone; whatever this moment may be. The question was who should I comfort, if that's what I was going to do, first? Sal or Brian? I stepped forward, deciding to let my feet carry me to one of them. As I stepped up a few more feet a head of fluffy black hair snapped up and out of its reverie. The greenish eyes instantly locked on mine. Well, I guess I know who I'm going to talk to first. Those big eyes didn't hold mine for much longer. Slowly they drifted around and took in the scenery before him. His eyes slowly landed on Brian and he slowly smiled. It was one of those smiles that held secrets. Bad secrets. His oh so kissable lips twitched as the smile widened.

Seriously Hennessie?! You can't be for real about this?! I blushed at my own thoughts. I really need to stop blushing! Didn't you learn your lesson last time? Don't you dare. You know...? I'm warning you! With Aaron? If my self-conscious or whatever you want to call this thing putting thoughts in my head. Thoughts I don't want to have. Thoughts about him.

Anger overcame any ounce of calmness I had left. My mind had taken it too damn far bringing him into this. She knew better. I really want to fight myself sometimes. I haven't thought about him in months, at least I haven't thought about him around others. I inhaled deeply, mentally yelling curses at myself. I knew where thinking of him got me. It made me super angry. My madness could sometimes get uncontrollable. I let out a heavy breath and counted to ten before walking the rest of the way to Sal. I kneeled beside him. It took him a moment to look down at me. He smiled at me like everything was just peachy, but when he saw the serious expression I was wearing his smile seemed to falter. "You alright?" He asked and to me it sounded like he wouldn't truly care for the answer. How could he ask something like that and not care? Who asks stupid questions like that when the answer is sometimes so obvious? Why do I feel like crying and punching a cement wall at the same time?

Suddenly I received my answer. The answer some girls beg for but never receive. The ones that some hate to get. The one that promises the person sharp unbearable pain in the stomach. The kind that makes you wake up in a puddle of blood. Your own blood, even though sometimes it makes you wish it were someone else waking up dead in their blood. You guessed it! Shark week has begun and it's not the one most boys enjoy.

I sighed. I didn't come prepared for this, did I? I check my pockets. Nope. FUCK! I wanted to scream and punch myself for being so fucking stupid! This will be so embarrassing. I look down to see what pants I'm wearing. FUCK MY LIFE! I'm wearing whit Olaf pj pants! This sucks ass!

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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