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Standing in front of me was a man with fluffy looking dark brown hair that was styled perfectly on top of his head. Joe had introduced this man so loudly that all the commotion that happened after made it difficult to recall exactly what his name is. It started with an 's' I knew that much. I hope that he will tell me again so that I don't have to look stupid by asking. His hand was still on my shoulder. It felt heavy on my small and weak body, yet under his hands, I felt this flame in the shape of his hand on my skin. The flame wasn't a burning fire but it felt like electricity flowing through my veins like they were power lines. He had big beautiful dark brown eyes which matched perfectly with his full head of hair and the scruffle of hair on the bottom half of his face. His eyes were the kind that one could get lost in if they were not cautious. "Hey there," he greeted shyly with a small smile on his very pink and plump lips. There are not enough words in Webster's dictionary to describe how great his voice sounded to me, but if I had to choose a single word to at least try to describe it, that word would be 'beautiful'.

"Hi," I responded just as nervously as he seemed. I smiled back up at him, confidently at first and then I started to wonder if I had remembered to brush my teeth this morning. If I didn't brush them, was it noticeable? My eyes slowly widened in panic. I silently hoped he didn't notice my horror-struck expression.

My hopes were instantly crushed because he did see the look on my face. The smile fell from his face and was replaced with concern. "Are you okay?" He put his other hand on my unoccupied shoulder. He then stepped forward. The heat was now radiating off his body and his hands.

"Just shy around new people." I lied. I had multiple things running through my mind. The constant crashing fear of mother and Christian, Alex and I's current step father, how I could keep my little brother out of harm's way, why this mans touch felt so warm and welcoming in a way no one else's touch ever had, and how this man could be so inexplicably beautiful. My mind was a train wreck all the time, but now it's like more trains have crashed, caught fire and exploded all because of my new neighbors.

"Oh," He stammered, apparently misinterpreting my statement, and quickly removing his hands. He stepping back awkwardly murmuring. "I'm sorry." He gazed down at his feet, shuffling them anxiously. "I just felt the need to touch yo-" His dark eyes widened and his head shot up, obviously thinking of how that could've come across. "What I meant was that you look like you needed to be comforted somehow.  I- I didn't mean for it to.." his voice trailed off. It was obvious how nervous he was which made him look that much cuter. "It's just who I am as a person, I'm sorry."

I couldn't help but smirk at how adorable he looked in this state. I just wanted to reach up and brush my hand against his cheek and feel the slight stubble that rested on his chin. I fought the urge to do that though.I wanted to find a way to calm him down and make him feel less flustered, even though I enjoy the slight blush on his face. I felt the want to feel the heat of his touch on my skin again, but all over. My shoulders shook with silent laughter at that thought. Now look who's using accidental innuendos.

"Don't laugh at me!" He cried out, louder this time. His dark eyes met mine again, this time they seemed to be filled with slight pain. His voice had broke when he cried out. This man had definitely been hurt by my misinterpreted laughter. I had unintentionally caused this man emotional pain... Oh no...

"Shh!" I pleaded in a quiet voice. I would be in deep shit if Mother knew that I was a lot with what she called 'a new chew toy'.I reached over, not for his cheek like I had wanted to moments ago, and clamped my hand over his mouth. Really, Hennessie, causing a man emotional pain and silencing him within the same minute. New record! My subconscious rolled her liquid gold eyes at me. I barked at her to silence herself. I wasn't thinking about what I was doing. I just did it. His eyes widened once more in shock and confusion. I looked into them. "I wasn't laughing at you," I whispered . "Just please don't be so loud, okay?"Slowly, he nodded his head. He never seemed tobreak eye contact with me. I cautiously removed my hand just to see that he was smiling. "What are you smiling at me for?" I asked with a risen eyebrow. My eyes were so focused on this man's face. It was like I was studying him. The way he looked at me was so distinct from the way anyone else has ever looked at me.

"What's your issue?" This manasked. If he had said it any other way, or if it were someone else, it would've seemed rude, but he just seemed purely curious. Did he actually want to know? Maybe it was a rhetorical question? Was he asking about one thing in particular? His eyes were lit with humour now,

"What do you mean?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips trying to play casual. Failing epically at it though.

"with loud noises," he replied could, mimicking my pose. With a joyful smile, his eyes traced my body. Not in the creepy way. It was kind of cute the way he did it. He stuttered quietly to himself before adding in a slightly louder voice, "When Joe introduced me he said my name noisily and your eyes immediately enlarged with terror. Then, moments ago you panicked when-"

"ANASTASIA!" Mothers voice interrupted him and frightened me,using me to noticeably flinch. I sighed, once again hoping he hadn't seen me react but knowing that he had. When I looked back into the green-brown eyes, realization seemed to have hit him upside the head. He did see me jump. Damn it!

"Are you scared of your mother, Anastas-"

I growled cutting him off in the middle of her name. "My name is not Anastasia!" I made sure to growl the words loud enough so that Mother also heard, not that she would even give two shits.

"hey. Hey. Hey." He said in a low soothing voice. He slowly reached out and pulled me into a warm apologetic hug. "I'm sorry." His fingers gently combed through my chestnut brown hair. I instantly felt the rage inside me begin to fade away. I felt myself melting into his arms. Since when do hugs have this sort of magic? Slowly, I rested my head on his firm chest. The pounding in it was so loud! Almost like a drum at a popular concert. His heart was beating oh so rhythmically. His heart was beating in a way that I knew I would never want to forget. "I just figured your mom would know your name." He paused, twirling a strand of my hair between his fingers. "If your name is not Anastasia, then what is it?"

"It's Hennessie," I said in a happy tone. I slowly peeled myself from his hug even though I didn't want to. I met his gaze and smiled widely. "Anastasia is the name of mine and Alex's older sister. She moved out about seven or eight months ago..."

I was about to ask him what his name was and explain that I didn't hear it because of my mothers bellowing but her voice called out yet again. "I don't care what your fucking name is!" Yes, I figured you didn't, mother. I thought to myself. "Just get your fat ass in here and converse with the fuckin' guest!"

I could feel my face turning red with enraged embarrassment. After a few slow deep breaths, I looked up at the black haired man. His jaw may as well have been on the whit hard tiled floor. His eyes then locked on mine. "Okay, yeah. I see why you hate loud noises now. Wow."

"Hey Sal, you heard that right?" A voice said from beside me. I didn't jump though. I was too distracted by both my anger at my mother and amusement towards Sal. I looked over to see Brian standing there. There was a look of confusion on his face. He had slightly more facial hair than the other man- Sal- did. He then looked down at me and smiled half-heartedly. "Is she always like that?" Brian asked in the utmost disbelief and disapproval. I simply just nodded, not exactly wanting their sympathy. Unless, of course, Sal is up for giving me another one of his long hugs. "Only on the days that end in 'y', huh?" Brian asked jokingly. Little did he know, he was right on the buzzer with that one.

  "That's one way to put it. Yeah." I sighed glancing down at my shoeless feet like Sal had done earlier.



(Hi Landon..)

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