Chapter 10

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I forgot to add the picture to the last chapter but here it is. Enjoy!

Francie's POV

Dewayne has a habit of disappearing for long, and then appearing out of no where. Just like now.

This time, he's staying for a week. And let's say, I am not close to liking his stay.

He brought someone with him. Someone I remember so very clearly. Someone I hate more than fate itself, and that says a whole lot.

Tanya's sister.

Tanya was on my cheerleading team. The only thing that took my mind of my problems. She convinced everyone in our team that I am not good enough to stay in the team, she was the reason they kicked me out.

Her sister proceeded to make fun of me, as they kicked me after a game, a lot of people were watching. Her sister happened to be one of them. She was the only one rude about it to me.

But the team has suffered so without me. I am not that mad about the team, but I still long to get my revenge on Tanya's sister. And I might just know exactly how.

Dewayne's POV

We were having dinner now, all of us. It was not like always, as Francie actually had an expression on her face. Maybe not a happy expression, but it was better than that cold stare. She was glaring at Tammy, my girlfriend.

Tammy on the other hand, looked uncomfortable. She was shifting in her seat, laughing uncomfortably every now and then with glances at Francie.

"Francie." I called trying to rip her attention from Tammy, but I have forgotten what those eyes make me feel.

She smiled a little. "Yes?" She said with a tilt  of her head.

"How's school going?" I guess I didn't have anything better to say.

Her smile flattened and her eyes once more turned cold. She ignored my question and continued glaring at Tammy.

"It's perfect." She was still glaring at Tam.

"That's good." I knew she was being sarcastic, but me saying that made her glare even harder. But she hummed at that.

"Sweetheart." Both Francie and Tammy looked at me. But then Francie blushed a deep red, matching her dress. "Do you and Francie know each other?"

Tammy scoffs. "Francie?" She's mocking her name.



I look at Francie with a raised brow.

"If you'd excuse me." Still not done with her habit of leaving mid dinner.

She leaves, not looking back once. I'm tempted to go after her, but no one had said anything that would start up her engine.

It seems like she's still cold with everyone, even more with her mom now. Her mom is sweet, but she doesn't show her feelings. Now I know where she got that trait from. 

We continue our dinner, all I was able to think about was Francie. She's adorable, she really is. I should've went after her, she might not come back now.


Francie's POV

I kinda expected him to follow me. He always does. But I guess he changed over this time, and now he probably thinks I'm so spoiled.

My plan would've worked, it really would've. But I guess his girlfriend is too important. I hate her so much.

I could be jealous. But I know I'm not, I just want my revenge on her. It might take long but it's worth it. So worth it I'm gonna enjoy it.

I'll just go back I guess, I was sitting in front of Dewayne. I kinda like looking into his eyes. I smile on my way back as I think about him.

Dewayne's POV

Just as I made the decision of going to get her, she walks in with a faint smile on her face. Now that's new.

My eyebrows furrow as I think about what could've caused that. I realize what I'm doing and slap myself mentally.

"She's a little girl." I tell myself.

She sits back in her seat and notices me staring at her. She gives a tiny smile and gets back to eating.

As if to add more to my suspicion, she smiles a devilish smile.

This time I don't try to make a conversation to not embarrass myself I guess.

Oh wow I'm worrying about embarrassing myself now, in front of this little girl. Oh what is she up to.

Whatever it is I'd gladly comply, and I know damn well it's gonna work.

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