Professor Lupin got on all fours and slowly approached us until Professor Snape came out of the Whomping Willow. And was facing us about too tell us off when Ron pointed behind him that's when he turned around of saw Professor Lupin as a Werewolf.

Professor Snape stood in front of us trying too protect us as Professor Lupin took a swing at us you got knocked down feeling a stinging sensation in your arm you looked at your left arm too see you have been scratched by his claws you didn't bother too say anything though everyone got knocked down by him.

He was about too take another swing at us but before me could Sirius charged at him in his Dog form and started fighting him.

We all got back too our feet Professor Snape still protecting us you ddI your best too hide the faceted that you'd been injured by the Werewolf.

They kept on fighting until Sirius ran away following Professor Lupin right behind him

"Sirius!" Harry shouted while getting out of Professor Snape's arms and stared running too where they ran.


You tried getting out of Professor Snape's grip but failed as he dragged all of you back too the castle.


The Hospital Wig

Y/Ns PoV
"You think he'll be awake soon ?" I ask Hermione across from Harry bed

"I hope so.." She mumbled back not taking his eyes off him.

You placed your hand into his and Hermione did the same too his other. A couple of minutes went by that's when I felt him move slightly.

"He's waking up" I mumble

"Harry....Harry!" Hermione says worryingly

"I saw my dad" He says blankly with no emotion

Me and Hermione gasp "What??!?!!?" We both Say.

"He sent the dementors away I saw him across the lake"

"Listen Harry they've captured Sirius in any minute the dementors are going to preform the kids." I say to him

"You mean there going too kill him?" He ask's jumping up reaching for him glasses

"No it's worse, Much, Much worse they're going too suck out his soul." Hermione says

The door then burst open revealing Professor Dumbledore.

"Headmaster you've got too stop them you've got the wrong man" Hermione says running up too him while me and Harry follow behind (btw Ron is in the bed across from Harry just in case you where wondering where he went off too :3)

"Yes Sir, Sirius is innocent" Harry said then Ron added "It was Scabbers who did it!"

"Scabbers?!?!?!" Professor Dumbledore said with mixed emotions

"Yeah my rat sir he's not really a rat well he was a rat he was my brother Percy's rat but then he came Hi-" Ron was cut off my Hermione saying "We know the truth you have too believe us."

"I do, Miss Grandger but I'm sorry too say the word freedom from fourth thirteen year old wizards convince a few others" Professor Dumbledore said

"A child's voice however honest and true is meaningless too those who shave forgotten how too listen." He said he was about too continue when the cloak started chiming.

"Mysterious a thing time, Powerful but when meddled with can be dangerous Sirius Balck is In the tower you know the laws Miss Granger you must not be seen then you will do well too return too the last time the consequences are ghastly if you succeed tonight move then one innocent life will be spared three turns." (I have no idea if I got any of that right but it's late I'm tried and also lazy soooooo 😋😋😋)

But before Professor Dumbledore left He said "Oh by the way, Before In doubt I find retracing my steps is a wise place too begin good luck."

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asked

Hermione spun around too Ron and said "Sorry Ron But since you cant walk." She then takes this heckles and puts it over Harry by when she did it too me I refused.

"I'm not travelling back in time with you's I'll stay here with Ron besides I've got something I need too do."

Hermione and Harry looked at me a bit down I wouldn't go with them but nodded anyway and by a blink of an eye they were gone.

Word count 1,280

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