Peace at Last

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So much had happened since they first formed as a team. At first Tony had doubted if they could ever work together. Tensions were high and personalities clashed against one another, but against all odds they had pulled it off. Tony didn't even have to think twice when he flew that nuke through the worm hole. He was ready and completely willing to die of it meant saving the world and his team. That was years and years ago. It seemed so distant; so much has changed. Yet at the same time, it felt like nothing had.

They had more people fighting on their side. More heroes who were willing to fight til their last breath. Old friends, new friends, and those he'd like to get to know better. They had done it. Everyone was finally back, but now Thanos threatened to wipe everything from existence and start over. The fate of not only the world, but the whole universe rested on their shoulders.

Peter was back, and in that moment, that was all that mattered. "What's all that gray stuff in your hair?"

"It's just gray hair."

"Oh sorry." God did he miss this kid. His kid. He cut off his rambling with a tight hug, patting his back. A quick kiss on the cheek followed by another tight squeeze. He didn't want to ever let him go. But time moves quick on the battlefield, and he didn't get to hold the kid in his arms nearly as long as he wanted to. After all, he had five years to make up for.

When Thanos got the gauntlet despite their best efforts, Tony had one last trick up his sleeve, but he needed confirmation before he did so. He locked eyes with Strange, and with a subtle nod and the raise of one finger, Tony knew what had to be done. Before he had left, he knew this would be his last mission, whether he made it back or not. He had told Steve that no matter what he couldn't lose what he had gained, but if he didn't do this right now then his family along with every single one would cease to exist. He couldn't have that. He needed a world with Pepper and Morgan, even if he wasn't there to enjoy it. He couldn't let Peter vanish into nothingness again, even though he knew he had already lost every father figure he had ever known. He hated it, but the kid would have to lose one more.

Rhodey has been his best friend for forever it seemed. The man had been in his life longer than he hasn't, but he would have to adjust to life without his best friend. He would've never thought all those years ago that Cap would've been one of his best friends and most beloved teammates. The old man had really grown on him and they had this unspoken bond, even after his heartbreaking betrayal. They would always be a team. Even if Natasha wasn't there, her spirit coursed through the battleground. Everyone on the team could feel a piece of her soul residing in them.

Bruce would always be his science bro, the one person who could understand his sleepless ramblings. Clint was the lovable goofball who would pop out from the ceiling just to scare him or kick his ass in Mario Kart. Thor was like your weird uncle who would always visit when you were a kid, but that just made you love him even more. And everyone else he knew and loved, he would never forget a single one. He did this for all of them.

"I am inevitable." A deafening snap, the scraping of metal followed by nothing. The look on his face was priceless. Tony could already feel the scorching energy from the stones.

"And I... am... Iron Man." Snap. And just like that, Thanos and his army were gone, not just from their reality, but from every existing universe. He had to ensure this would never happen again. The burning power of all the infinity stones coursed through him, setting Tony ablaze from the outside in. In that single moment he felt on top of the world, and the next he felt the crushing weight of the universe. His ears were ringing and everything hurt.

Peter was telling him something, but he couldn't hear. He tried reading his lips; he thinks he's telling him they did it. Tony wants to tell him he knows, but his words won't come out. He tastes blood, a lot of it. So he doesn't speak because he knows the only thing that would come out would be gurgling blood. He just lets them speak to him. His ears finally stop ringing, and he hears her voice.

"You can rest now." And he felt that he finally could. He didn't have to cling onto a painful life anymore, he had her permission to let go. They would be okay. All of them. The world would keep turning with one less superhero. After all, he was leaving it in good hands. He let out a final breath, giving in to the cold numbness that was quickly overtaking his body. A sense of calm relief washed over him as his arc dimmed.

He was gone. And he was happy. He had lived a life much longer than he had ever thought he would. He had taken thousands of lives, and saved countless others. He had many tortured memories, and even more joyful ones shared with those he loved. Tony Stark was many things. A genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist, hero, mentor, friend, husband, father. The Invincible Iron Man. One thing he will never be is forgotten.

"I hope they remember you." The world never forgot.

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