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ZERO | end's eternity


     The words echoed around the high walls of the throne room. Voices shouted, cried, and screeched from the courtyard where the rest of the creatures were, waiting for the Pantheon to join the assembly. The nightmare the Oracle had spoken was coming true – right before their very eyes.

     Before anyone could react, he abruptly emerged from the center of the table, blowing them away from the table and sending out sparks of fury that came in direct contact with each and every Olympian present. The sparks imprinted a mark on each one of them, the symbol of their enemy.

     Once they recovered, all eyes were on the prophecy realized.


     In flesh.

     Taking over their lovely Olympus with his blinding rage.

      His size as a Titan could easily wipe out their mountain if he desired to. But given all the years he spent tormented in Tartarus, he decided against the easy way and expressed his desire to play with them first.

      The Pantheon scrambled to strategize, debating whether they would go for offense or defense. Though as they looked around, it turned out there was nothing left but the latter. The roof of the throne room by then was already ripped off, exposing twelve very distraught divine beings.

      "There is no more time!" The youngest Olympian cried, his thoughts nothing more of wines and partying but of the current pandemonium.

      "Kronos! Enough!" Hera tried to call out to the Titan even when fully knowing it would do no good. The goddess of marriage was ignored as Kronos had his eyes on his prizes. His eyes glimmered with excitement at the thought of devouring his children once again, just like the old times.

      Without any hesitation, Kronos grabbed his youngest daughter and swallowed her like he did before. The queen of the gods is gone before their eyes. "Hera, no!" Zeus cried out for his sister and his wife.

      The Titan kept his eyes on the Olympian King, smirking at his distress.

     The timing was perfect and a delicious advantage for Kronos and his plan, every being of all forms that were not mortal were present on the mountain for an assembly. It made everything much easier for him.

      Beings from the Pantheon down to Cyclops, Nymphs, Demi-Gods, and Cup-bearers were present for the Titan to devour and conquer.

      The magnificent palace was falling apart, nearly destroyed by Kronos. As he did this, he tried to reach out and devour more Olympians. He had already succeeded in consuming his daughter Demeter, while her daughter was nowhere to be seen.

      The King of Olympus wept for his children as he watched his daughter Eris help the mad Titan to slaughter her siblings in the courtyard. The repulsive smell of blood filled his nose as he heard them cry out to their father for help.

      Zeus could only do much, and he knew that. With years of pent up resentment in his father, he was no doubt much weaker and would more likely die along with his children if he tried to fight him. But he must try, for the sake of Olympus.

      "Father," He called out, commanding all the thunderbolts he could sense from where he is to standby.

      The gigantic being dropped a half-eaten Centaur before turning around to face his youngest. "Ah, my favorite offspring. Would you like a tour inside my belly, son? I'm sure you are curious to where your siblings resided in their early years."

      "In respect to my mother, I am giving you a chance to withdraw right now and never step a foot on Olympus ever again." The King's voice boomed throughout the land.

      "And if I refuse to?"

      "Then you have brought this upon yourself." With that, the God of Lightning and Thunder cast millions of thunderbolts towards his father, hearing the sick sizzling sound of flesh burning.

      The aftermath was quiet, everything seemed in place. Zeus thought of the well-being of his eldest brother, and a desire to bargain for the lives of the beings taken on that day.

      Kronos had all the time in the universe but he was an impatient one, this evident when he suddenly lost the mood for playing around. He stood up, burnt and if possible, more furious than he ever was. "You have underestimated me, son."

      He grabbed a handful of deities and devoured them – the champion Heracles, the healer Asclepius, the youthful Hebe, even Ares' fearful sons, Phobos and Deimos fell victims. The Olympian King roared in desperation, disappointed at himself for failing his people.

      Slowly, the number of gods left was slimming. Everything was coming to an awful end.

      The deities plummeted down like comets, often described by the mortals as falling stars, falling all over the Earth. Humans were astonished, debating whether the sky was falling or not – what they did not know was that it was in fact not the sky falling, but Olympus.

      And at that moment, the Titan King rejoiced for he had won – for he had finally sent Olympus to ruins.

- Fall of Olympus; Alcis; MM

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