Chapter 19: Breakthrough

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A/N: This is in between Season 2 and Season 3 of the anime

Luke's POV

I was in my room, resting when I hear a knock on my door. "Come in" I say as the person that walks in turns out to be Hange. "Section Commander Hange?" "Yes, it's me. How are you doing, Luke?" "I'm fine, a little shaken up from that whole situation, but fine." "That's good, now, remember what we talked about before we were told about the titans within Wall Rose?" "Yes, did you talk to Commander Erwin about it?" "Yes, and he said that he will accept the conditions, but has some restrictions while she is under your custody" "Restrictions?" "Yes, she must be in the same room as you, or any trusted Scout at all times. Next, she is not to assume titan form until she has earned our trust. If she does, you apprehend her as quickly as possible. That is all for now, understood?" "Yes" "Good, now come with me" I do as she says and follow her. I finally get to see Annie again.

We arrived in the chamber that Annie was held in. I look at her face, the tears are still there from when she crystallized herself. "Remember, she must have her arms cut off once she's let out so we don't risk her transforming." Hange says as I respond. "I understand, but once they grow back, I will be making sure she doesn't transform." I then gently place my hand on the crystal as I activate my anti-hardening ability. I hear and see the crystal crack, then, after a few seconds, it breaks and Annie falls, but I catch her. I then hand her over to Hange. "Please, tell me when I can come back in." There were tears in my eyes as I said this and walked out of the door, closing it. I hear her swing her blades and cut twice. After a bit she says. "Luke, you may come in now" I walk back in and look at her. "May I have some time alone with her?" Hange nods as her and the Military Police in the room leave. 

I brush Annie hair out of her face. Tears continue to leave my eyes as I put my head to her chest. I can hear her heart beating, which I am grateful for. After a bit, she starts to wake up. "Luke?" I hear her voice, the voice I've been wanting to hear for months. "I've missed you so much, Annie" I say as I hug her. She eventually hugs back, and by that, I mean that she placed her head on my shoulder since she couldn't wrap her arms around me. "What happened? Where am I?" "You are in the place that we kept your crystal that you trapped yourself in" "How long have I been here?" "A few months" "Why am I out?" "That was my doing. I'm sorry if you're mad at me for doing this, but I made sure that you wouldn't be tortured for what you did. I couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt, no matter what you did. I...I-" "It's ok, I'm glad to see you again as well. Luke, I can never stay mad at you. Now, can you please tell me what has happened these past months?" "A lot, but the main thing you would be concerned about would be Reiner and Bertholdt capturing Eren, Ymir, and I." Annie gets a surprised look at this as she speaks "So you know that..." "Yes, we know that Reiner is the Armored Titan and Bertholdt is the Colossal Titan." She then notices that her arms are missing. "That was something that they had to do in order for me to take custody of you. They didn't want to risk you transforming. Which reminds me, I was told that you're not to transform for now." I then realize how this may be offending her. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me to say like that, I-" I get cut off by her kissing me on the lips. I was a bit surprised, but didn't back away from it. Once we separated, she said. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed, Luke" That made me blush. "Sh-Shall we get going now?" She giggles. "Indeed, my prince" Hange then opens the door and says. "Before you two lovebirds go, I need Annie to put this on." She hands her a Scouting Regiment cloak. "Both of you put your hoods up as you make your way back." "Ok, got it" We then walked back with our hoods up so nobody would notice us.

As we arrived back into the room, someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's Eren, may I come in?" "Uh, yeah" Eren walks in and asks. "So, who's this?" He pointed to Annie. She was about to say something, but I said. "Can you do me a favor and get everyone from our class, I'd rather tell everyone at once" He nodded and went out to get everyone. "Are you ok with this?" I asked Annie as she responded with. "Yeah, better now than never" I nodded as we waited for everyone to get here. 

I check to see if that's everyone. Let's see, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Sasha, and Historia. Yup, that's everyone. "Ok, everyone, I have called you all here to see someone. Someone that you guys have met before." They get curious faces as I say this. I look at Annie. "Could you please reveal yourself?" Annie then has me take off her hood, revealing herself to everyone. They look surprised as everyone but Mikasa and Jean yell. "Annie?!" Mikasa then says "What the hell is she doing here?!" I respond calmly. "Annie is under my custody, and no harm shall come to her. Commander Erwin gave me permission to take custody of her. That was one of my conditions for breaking the crystal she was in." This time, everyone but Eren, Armin, and Mikasa was surprised. "You mean to tell me that you could've broken her out this whole damn time?!" Jean said as he was walking up to me. "I didn't want her to be tortured, not with how much a care about her." "Well, maybe she de-" He didn't get to finish because I punched him in the face. "Remember the first piece of advice I gave you was? It was don't do anything you'll regret. And you would've regretted finishing that sentence." "And how do we know she won't transform?" Eren asks as I help Annie take off her Scout cloak. A bunch of them gasp at the sight of Annie with no arms. "They will grow back, but when that happens, they asked me to make sure she doesn't transform. If you guys have anything to say to her that won't bother her, say it now." Annie then speaks up "Relax, Luke, I can stand up for myself." "S-Sorry" They now look surprised again. "What?" I ask. "Did you just stutter?" Connie asked. "Yeah, why?" 

After a bit of talking, everyone left but Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. I was sitting on my bed with Annie sitting next to me. "So, why do you trust her?" Mikasa asked. "Multiple reasons, the first being is because I love her." Annie and I blushed after I said that, but I kept going. "Another one being that Reiner and Bertholdt left her." I didn't want to go further into the second one. "You do know she'll be fully healed by morning, right?" Eren asked as I responded. "Yes Eren, I know. Or do you not remember how they told me that they cut off my legs after they ran away, making you lose your arms in the process. Now can you go now, I'm tired" I said with a yawn as they just nodded and exited. 

Annie and I lay down in the bed. We turn to each other. "I'm glad I was able to see you again, Annie" I said as she responded "So am I, I was hoping that it would turn out like this. With you and I together." I chuckle at this. "I love you, Annie" "I love you too, Luke" "Good night" "Good night" And so we went to sleep, with me holding her and us both having smiles on our faces.

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