Li Shi spoke as she gave a glimpse at Fang Shi.

"Oh, is Second Aunt saying it was me!" Fang Shi smiled, "Second Aunt should first back those words up with evidence. Am I not busy making lunch with Nanny Xu, and there I was planning to invite Second Uncle and Second Aunt over for lunch. Now that Second Aunt said so, I'm not feeling too happy!"

Li Shi sniffed as hard as she could, and there, a the thick aroma of the chicken soup travelled up her nose which made her happy and she quickly smiled, "Hai, I'm not pointing at you! You and Sang Hong would never disrespect your elders! The one I'm talking about is that damned lass!"

Li Shi turned and pushed Sang Rou in the forehead with a finger before scolding harshly, "What're you still here for! Waiting for New Year ah? Go invite your father and your sister to come and have lunch! As for you, just eat something and get to work. The vegetable field at East Longtou still needs ploughing! Always idling around, do you think rice drop from the sky?"

Sang Rou was extremely maddened deep inside but she dared not go against Li Shi. All she could was lift her eyes slightly to quickly give a quick pleading look at Sang Wan.

Sang Wan acted as if she had not seen it and lowered her head to have a sip from her cup of tea. This was her brother and sister-in-law's house; she was in no position to have anyone stay. Moreover, she did not wish to intervene with the matters of the Sang Second family.

Seeing that Sang Wan did not see her expression, she was secretly disappointed, but before Li Shi's second round of scolding, she quickly fled from the place.

"Sang Wan, if I may ask ah, how come you're suddenly back? Is there something you wish to give us?" Li Shi smiled and sat. She was about to ask Fang Shi to pour her a cup of tea, but when she looked up, she found that Fang Shi had already returned back into the kitchen.

She did not dare let Sang Wan pour the tea for her, nor did she dare to order Liu Ya to do so. She made a few coughing noise, but Liu Ya did not seem to understand her body language and so she had to pour a cup by herself. In her heart, she secretly scolded: Useless lass. Not even smart at all!

Hearing that statement had no longer any effect on Sang Wan anymore. There was really no use to get mad at them.

She smiled a little and said gently, "I had some business to attend to. And since I was travelling past Yangliu Town, I decided to come pay a visit!"

"Oh, oh! What is it?" Li Shi smiled and asked curiously.

Sang Wan lifted her eyes and smiled again, "The courtyard gate at Second Aunt's house was closed tightly, so I thought Second Uncle and Second Aunt weren't home!"

Li Shi saw that she had asked something which she should not have and immediately stopped her tongue before smiling at Sang Wan to engage in a small talk.

Soon afterward, Second Old Master Sang and Sang Yan arrived. Fang Shi came out of the kitchen to announce that lunch was ready and everyone sat to eat together.

Sang Wan ordered Nanny Xu to pick up two large chicken drumsticks for the two children, Sang Quan and Sang Nuan, but that immediately caught Li Shi's eyes and she picked up one for herself and hurriedly picked the other for Sang Yan, "Eat, eat!"

The elderly couple was like a hurricane and in front of them quickly piled a mound of chicken bones that were cleaned off their meat and some that were not. Sang Yan secretly glanced at the graceful Sang Wan who was eating unhurriedly and then at her own father and mother. Her heart immediately felt embarrassed and the rice and meat that was in her mouth turned hard to chew.

Sang Wan had successfully completed what Wang Shi had tasked her to do and she returned to report. Hearing the news that her sister-in-law would be coming for the wedding, Wang Shi did not give it many thoughts and was instead very elated to hear so. With a huge smile, she praised her for being too polite and told Sang Wan to welcome her properly when the time comes.

Sang Wan promised.

Who knew just two days later, the lass that followed Gu Fangzi home would return wearing a simple white clothing and hairpin. Lan Xiang came crying back and said, "Old Master Gu has passed away!"

Wang Shi and Sang Wan were both shocked by the news. But of course what the two felt other than shock were different.

Gu Jin is dead?

"How did it happen! He, wasn't he still fine? So how did he pass away so suddenly?" Wang Shi stuttered.

Lan Xiang sobbed and said, "Yesterday, Old Master Gu became drunk and he fell. His head hit a stone slab and, and he died!"

"Aiyo!" Wang Shi rubbed her forehead, "How can that happen, how can that happen!"

Seeing Wang Shi's spiritless expression and Lan Xiang's everflowing tears, Sang Wan could only say what she had to, "Mother, the deceased is of importance, it will be better to think about how this funeral should be handled! How many others are there in the Gu family? Cousin-in-law is still young and must not have experienced such a major event before. I'm sure she must also be anxious and unsure what she should do!"

"Yes, yes, you're right!" Wang Shi couldn't help but said, "Let the management bring a few servants over to help. Whatever the cost for the preparation, just use as much as it needs! There's not a single one left in the Gu family that's reliable! Nanny Jiang ah, arrange a few elderly maidservants to accompany Fangzi and comfort her!" Turning to Lan Xiang, she ordered, "It's okay, don't cry. You may go now. Later, follow the management back and serve your missy well! Understood?"

"Yes, nubi understands! Our Missy says that once this matter is handled, she'll come again to kowtow!" Lan Xian kowtowed and left. Nanny Jiang also left to handle the arrangements.

What a really unfortunate day!" Wang Shi sighed with emotions. The heart of an elderly is the most easily shaken by the death of others, even if it were the hated Gu Jin, Wang Shi could not help but let a few drops of tears down her cheeks.

Sang Wan quickly went up to comfort her, and together with Nanny Li, the two accompanied Wang Shi to lament for a while.

"Missy, this is all fate, you ah, don't have to think too much about it!" Now that Wang Shi's emotions had calmed a little, Nanny Li gave a few comforting words before switching the subject, "So what do you say, what should we do! Miss Gu's wedding, should we still go with it or not?"

Ah that, how could she forget about it!

Wang Shi's brows knitted together. She was now put in a difficult situation.

There was no such thing as a woman marrying into another family right after her father passed away! The heavens would not allow!

"What else!" Wang Shi sighed and forced herself to say it, "Halt it! Stop the preparations! Otherwise, we might become a joke to others! Now that something like this had happened, continuing with the preparation is beyond presentable!"

"Yes, then laonu shall go and put everything to a stop!" Nanny Li sighed and added, "That Miss Gu ah, truly is very unfortunate!"

Wang Shi touched her heart and recalled when Gu Fangzi lost her mother when she was young. Now when she was about to get married, her father passed away. Really, all the unfortunate events were carried on her shoulders, and Wang Shi nodded, "You're right, Fangzi's life really is bitter!"

Nanny Li, intentionally or otherwise, spoke, "I truly hope that in the future when she marries in, the young master's good fortune will be able to cleanse her entirely!"

Wang Shi was stunned and her expression suddenly changed. "A child of disaster", those four words subconsciously floated in Wang Shi's mind and it naturally made her link it with an "unfortunate couple".

"Enough, I wish to be alone, you may all leave." Wang Shi calmed herself and instructed without any hesitation, "Have all that I said handled properly, this matter will be put on hold and discussed in the future!"

Even though there were many scruples in her heart, Gu Fangzi was a niece who grew up in the household and was by her side for many years. She loved her dearly and was thus unable to throw her away.

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