"I just need the notes, Ms. Kaltz" I reminded her with a soft tone, hoping she would realise that she didn't have to intimidate me like how she was doing.

"And what makes you think I would want to help you?"

"Honestly, I don't think you would" I answered her instantly. "But I have to try"

"Yes! You are right!" She exclaimed in the most sarcastic way. "I will not help you"

"I know," I sighed, keeping my head down. "You have no reason to help me but please consider it, Ms. Kaltz. You don't have to do it for me. At least do it for Lisa" I talked my agony out because I desperately needed those notes. "I know she's friends with you"

Well, they got to be friends right? They were in the same team for badminton and you needed a great teamwork for that. They probably just had a hard way of communication, a harsh one to be exact, but they were friends. At least that was what I thought.

I heard she got even closer to me before she opened her mouth for the last time.

"Lisa?" She asked with a low voice like she was holding her anger. "Lisa can rot in hell and I wouldn't even bother"

She finished her sentence just like that and walked away.

I was left, stunned. That was so inhumane to hear coming out from someone's mouth. I never knew one could hate a person to that extent, especially on Melissa. It hurt me so much listening to such sentence being thrown to the kindest girl I had ever known.

But then I brushed it off my mind. It was okay if I didn't get it from Jennie Kaltz. Whatever she said about Melissa was the least important thing to worry about anyway. I just needed the notes. I wanted to help Melissa.

It was because we would have another examination in a week from now, and Melissa would need all the help she deserved. I was actually worried about what my dad told me that night; she failed her French and Sir Maas already went rigorous on her. It wasn't even one of the school syllabus. It was just one of the extra classes she had to take after school.

Her failure in those classes wouldn't affect her school record. Why did he make a fuss about it?

So I wanted to make sure she maintained her performance in school, because I wouldn't want to imagine what her dad would do to her if she didn't. It could be worse than just failing a French class.

School had ended for a while now but I was still at my usual place, resting my head on the table, in the empty class since everyone else already left. I was just frustrated because I asked for notes from my other classmates, but since it was the first time I talked to them, they didn't even give a single care to my words. It was also because they were a lot worse than Jennie Kaltz, and I failed to get the help I needed.

I didn't know what else to do to get the notes. If only I wasn't blind I would definitely write everything for Melissa. I couldn't do anything for her except sitting at my table, thinking of how unfortunate the day was and how desperately tired I was on how I got treated in this school.

I hadn't done anything bad to anyone. But they refused to talk to me just because I wasn't among the Elites, and we didn't share the same social status. So basically, they were just disgusted of me as I breathed in the same class as them.

Well done!

I finally got up, deciding not to whine over something I had no control over. I didn't get to choose who my parents were. I didn't get to choose to be born without vision impairment. Nobody entered this world with options, it was already written and given. And even if I was asked to have a chance to change everything; perfect vision and rich parents, I wouldn't. I would never trade my parents for anything.

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