The breakup

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(Hehehehe Hehehehe enjoy)

Later that night....

Barry lay in the bed on his stomach and Caitlin was reading with the flashlight while absentmindedly rubbing his back. They had been pretty much talking and doing other less verbal things.... since the bubble bath so Barry was obviously exhausted.

She wasn't that tired though, in fact she would've gone another round but he insisted on sleep first. She looks down to where he lay snoring quietly the she kissed his bare back once and climbed from the bed to fix herself something to eat.

As soon as she stood it was like the weight of her stomach dropped, she stood there in shock for a second then she speed walks to the bathroom a hand clamped over her mouth

She barley made it to the toilet before she exploded.

Hopefully her second vomit outburst wouldn't wake the sleeping fiancé

Her stomach convulsed over and over as she gripped the seat. This was not a bad meal....

When she eventually stopped she flushed the toilet and stood to clean her face. With a deep sigh she picks her phone up and googles the nearest pharmacy.

There's no way it would actually be true right? They had used protection every time plus he never did it inside of her.

Wait.... she looks to her face in the mirror the memories flashing back of the night Lexi was arrested. She remembered how good it felt for him to come without protection, the warmth in the pit of her stomach.

How could she be so reckless? There was no way they were possibly ready for a baby!

With a deep exhale she rinses her face with cold water. "Relax... there's no need to get ahead of yourself "

She would take a test or two.. just to be sure then she would figure out how to tell Barry, if she was in fact expecting his child....


"Caitlin?" Barry groans out while he sat up from the bed "Caitlin?" He said in a more clear voice then he looked around the empty hotel room and he stood up slowly, his cheeks flushed and then he pulls on some underwear as well, figuring he probably shouldn't walk around naked.

He grabs his phone off the nightstand to call her then he saw the messages from Cisco and he found a more pressing matter.

He put the phone to his ear as it rang then clicked on at the second to last ring.

"Dude..." Cisco said tiredness obvious in his voice "it's like four am..."

"What do you mean Caitlin is considered a murderer?"

He heard shuffling on the other end of the phone then Cisco's voice more lively "as of this afternoon, four dead bodies were found in an abandon warehouse, the main suspect in the case is killer frost, if anyone has anymore information on her please call CCPDs tip line..." he was reading from an article of some sort.

"How the hell do they figure Caitlin is the one who killed? She would never..." his voice trailed off as he remembered the night she confessed she had killed people when she thought Barry was dead.

"She... she's not a villain, me and her will fly back tomorrow morning and- and-" Barry walks to the little closet to grab his bags

"No! No. You are not coming home, neither is Caitlin okay? We can figure this out... we've got this" Barry runs his fingers through his hair stressfully then he sighs heavily and nods "fine... fine.... but I'm going to tell her... and let her decide"

"Barry, please just enjoy your get away..." Cisco hangs up the phone after that then he laid back down in the bed and looks to the empty spot where Cynthia usually sleeps.

He sighs slowly through his nose then he sat back up and pulls on some shoes. "a quick visit never hurt anybody.." he smiles a little as he imagined her face, they hadn't seen each other in a few weeks because of her mission.

He brushed his hair out of his face and tucked it behind his ear then he opened a breach to her apartment and jumped through a wide grin on his face "Cynthia! I'm back-" his voice was cut off by panicked screams of her and whoever this naked man was laying underneath her.

"Cisco.." she said breathlessly then she pulls the blanket up over her bare body.

"Cynthia?" He whispers now his eyes landing on the man, brown hair, maybe Indian.

"Um... who's this?" The man asked while throwing Cynthia off of his lap and he sat up as well " this is my boyfriend... Cisco.."

"Boyfriend?!?" He pulls the blanket right then he jumps up out of the bed " this is what I was talking about! I can't trust you!" The man said angrily as he looked for his jeans maybe.

"No, don't- don't go" She rubs her forehead and Cisco shakes his a little " you're cheating on me.... of course you're cheating on me...."

"Cisco... look... I- thought you were dead.. four three weeks. I needed something to blow the steam off...." Cisco gulped as she stared at his eyes.

"Javier and I make a great team. He's from my earth after all. And I- I still love you"

Cisco stares at her as she stood up protectively "I don't think I ever want to be a mom, or- or a superhero"

"So... this is over...." he whispers.

She glanced at the man and then back at Cisco "I do love you, you know...." he nods a little then he turns back around slowly.

His eyes were watering violently and if he didn't leave soon he would cry in front of that tall muscular body builder and the bitch who broke his heart.

He jumped through a breach back to his house and then he laid on the bed closing his eyes tightly.

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