Chapter 1

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15 Days Before:

I stirred in my sleep and looked around me, there on my bed with his arm wrapped around my waist lay my best friend, my boyfriend, my world. 

"Hey you," I exclaimed excitedly, "What time is it?"

"It's just past 7 am, baby," he said in his husky morning voice.

"Well as much as I would love to stay in bed forever, school waits for nobody and there is no way I am going back to that place," I shuddered in disgust.

You see I grew up with everything. My dad is one of the richest men in the world but there's a twist to it. He never acted like a dad, he treated me like fucking shit and there was nothing I could do or say to change it. Since I could remember he would bring home whore after whore in spite because my mum had left him as soon as she gave birth to me and was able to get out of the hospital. He blamed me for everything and so he ruined the one thing I thought was going to be my decision to make in life. Marriage.

I can remember it as if it was yesterday. The day started out like every other day. My dad beating me till I could barely breathe then running out the door like nothing ever happened. But what changed was he didn't come home for 3 days. When he did return though he was fuming. I'm talking smoke coming out of his ears like a kettle, bright red in the face like iron being smelted. As I went to him to attend his every need like I usually would I noticed that we were not alone. Behind him stood a man who could not be any older than 50. He stood there staring at my father and then back at me. My father who had never really been one for looking after me bent down and whispered in my ear for me to run to my room and lock the door of the bedroom so that the man could not get to me. 

I never made it to the bedroom. As I was running towards the staircase a large hand grabbed ahold of my arm in a tight grip. I was roughly pulled back and that's when I heard a gun clock. For the first time in my life, I saw fear, remorse, love, and kindness in my fathers' eyes as he looked at me. But the words that the man said next will haunt me to this day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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