Texting with Keefe

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Sophie really wants to do a movie date so Keefe decides to look for a movie and after finding one he texts Sophie to ask her if it's a good movie.

disclaimer: heck I don't even own a cellphone let alone a bestselling series.

K(texting): Hey Foster

S: no response

K: Fooooossstttteeeeeerrrrr rrrrrrreeeeeeessssssspppppoooooooonnnnndddd

S: Keefe what do you want?

K: yeesh no hi how are you?

S: just get to the point

K: ok so i found this good movie called A Wrinkle in Time and thought it might be a good Movie to watch.

S: Keeeeefe!!!!!!!! That's what I've been saying the whole time.

K: no

S: No what?

K: It's called a wrinkle in time, not that's what I've been saying the whole time.

S: Keefe Scencen!!!!!!! I will end up murdering you. 

K: don't worry if you want me dead just hire bangs boy to do it.

S: That's it Keefe bye

Sophie foster has left the chat.

K: but I still don't know what an Asian is.

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